chapter 18

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elena and haley were going to there doctor appointment only kol bella and hope were with them haley is still big time mad at klaus and doesn't want to be near him they were at the doctors and there doctor was one of the witches who knew aabout everything going on

"elena gilbert haley marshall will do yours together" they went to the back and got on the paitent beds

"ok i got a few questions you both are two weeks how is the morning sickness"

"yes morning sickness" haley said

"i do too i have it worse than she does" elena said

"ok haley's first" haley lifted her shirt and the doctor put the gel on her stomach then used the wand to rub it on then the screen and the heart beat filled the room"ok your baby is healthy which is always good stay away from the people that make you mad this isn't like when you were with hope being a vampire your much more at risk"

"ok" haley said

"ok elena" elena lifted her shirt revealing her bump which was slightly bigger than haleys the doctor put the gel on her stomach and then she used the wand"well congrats its looks like you have twins" the two heartbeats filled the room"they are healthy you need to be careful what your doing for the next eight months since twins tend to come early i'll be right back with an ultra sounds" she left the room and elena and haley sat up and wiped the gel from there stomachs

"i'm gonna kill you" elena said glarring at kol

"your always gonna kill me that is nothing new" kol said

the doctor came in and gave both girls the ultra sounds and vitamins and then they went back to the compound

"yay i get two siblings to spoil i hope ones a girl" bella sad

"no" haley and elena said

"you two i'm gonna say this in the nicest way possible are evil as hell and one of you haven't even discovered boys yet we do not need another girl" haley said

"bella" hope said

"i'm gonna leave now" bella said

"isabella maria mikaelson don't you dare" elena said

"damn it haley" bella said

"wait two" rebekah said

"yes elena has twins and my mom just snitched on bella" hope said

"in 16 years first time i was called by my full name" bella said"haley you couldn't have kept that to yourself"

"bella" kol said

"wait i'm highly confused" freya said

"bella got a boyfriend last year was sneaking out got caught by me and haley ended it when we had to leave" lexi said

"you got a boyfriend"  hope said

"hey i can't do everything with you and its not like you don't have a -" bella said but hope covered her mouth

"were gonna leave now" hope said and vamped the two out

"she wasn't gonna say boyfriend she was gonna say crush" jenna said

"on who" klaus said

"aww this is golden have fun bella is a combination of kol and elena the people who walk in room and heads turn her and hope are gonna break hearts and you two are gonna be screwed there mothers on the other hand will be perfectly fine cause they used to do it themselves" cami said

"she's not lying" lexi said

"you two are idiots" jenna said

"your gonna get them on house arrest" elena said

"which they probably need" kol said

"you are not putting our daughter on house arrest she'll just sneak out she's just as sneaky as you are but just like you when after awhile of being sneaky you think no realises it and you start to get comfortable" elena said

"thats how she got caught she started to not cover her tracks" haley siad

"you two scare me" rebekah said

"good now i never got my answers" elena said

"i found the spell in her book" rebekah said"i suggested me and you became friends before you up and disapearded i wanted you to come back"

"1 sec" elena said she vamped to the nearest garbage and puked

"she had terrible morning sickeness with bella terrible" bonnie said

"i remember it sucked" cami said

"just wait till her mood swings kick in" bonnie said

"hello i'm right here" elena said she sat against the wall standing wasn't doing her much good

"you were gonna kill us" bonnie said

"i remember i was nice than i was a bitch and no one wanted to be by me" elena said

"you weren't a bitch thats an understatement" bonnie said

"there was when we were trying to do the halloween party me and bonnie wanted you to go and you said and i quote i would rather eat vervain than go to that party" caroline said

"i didn't say i don't remember saying that" elena said

"you did there was also the i am going to kill you if you take another picture of my stomach" caroline said

"i am going to kill you if you do that again" bonnie said

"i am locking myself in my basement for the last three weeks of my pregnancy cause they are driving me nuts" cami said

"haley was similar to that" rebekah said

"you people suck be warned i still am in the possession of daggers and a sleeping spell best be quiet" elena spat

"well her mood swings have started kol have fun i can't handle her again" bonnie said

"bitch" elena said"they weren't that bad"

"do you hear yourself" freya said

"you cast the spell" haley said

"i'm back" bella said walking in with hope

"your mom's mood swings kicked in and were already driving her nuts" bonie said

"fuck all of you" elena said and vamped upstairs

"its y'all fault did you not think this over what her mood swings were like with me" bella said she knew they were idiots for not thinking of what elena's pregnancy would actually be like

"she scares me" caroline said

"Good she should" bella smirked

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