chapter 6

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haley vamped back downstairs"where is elena"

"haley wait" caroline yelled and vamped down

"what do you mean where's elena" freya asked

"i mean elena's not up there it was caroline" haley said she didn't understand why elena would leave her daughter there and not tell anyone she was leaving

"whats today" kol asked he still remembered most of the dates about elena well

"May 16" freya said

"caroline" kol said

"its the day isobel died 6 years ago" caroline said"she's out with her cousin isobel's neice no one is supposed to know there realted i'm watching izzy"

"why not" haley asked

"cause she has the capability of having a doppelganger so in 500 years there wil be a doppelganger knows to knows she's in the petrova line its dangerous like really dangerous" caroline said

"she's right having it revealed she's a doppelganger is dangerous for her" freya said

"hey has anyone seen cami i was looking for her but she like disapeared" davina said walking in

"did you ask marcel" klaus asked

"no i went to her house its locked the lights on but she won't answer" davina said she was starting to worry about her friend

"call him" rebekah said davina pulled out her phone and called marcel and put it on speaker

"hey davina whats wrong"marcel said

"i'm looking for cami have you seen her" davina said

"she locked herself in her house i'm running an errand for her" marcel said

"i don't care where cami is she's not indanger to herself someone find elena who is connected to my daughter" haley yelled

"stop trying to find her we all know when she doesn't want to be found she isn't found" caroline said

"well i'm at cami's can i put you on hold" marcel asked

"yeah whatever" davina said

marcel forgot to press hold and walked in cami's house with the bags"elena what did you mean you didn't tell him" cami shouted she couldn't believe that cami would keep this a secret

"i got your ice cream" marcel said walking in to the room he handed the girls the bags

"does he know were not on hold" freya said elena heard freya and knew they had to be careful what they say and also she could get away with saying a lot of other things

"i wanna hear this" rebekah said

"thanks this is the first time i've been with her on this day since isobel died" cami said she missed her cousin and she wished she had been able to spent time with her

"yeah and if anyone asks" elena said

"your not related to cami i didn't see you" marcel said

"see i told you he could keep a secret" cami said

"your in danger if anyone finds out" elena said she didn't want her cousin to get hurt

" like issy is if anyone finds out about her" cami said

"i thought we were here to talk about isobel not stupid shit i've done in my life i hate her but she sacraficed everything for me" elena sighed

"i got to go i got davina on hold" marcel said and walked out

"ooh cami issy through davina at a wall with her magic she's really strong like she can get angry and everyone might want to stay away from her strong" elena said

"davina deserved it especially after you told me what caroline and her argued about" cami said

"caroline took it a little far i don't think she should have said that out loud but davina did throw her at a wall so as long as she doesn;t do it around me i'll let bella protect caroline as much as she wants i'm not in this i try to stay away from them at all times" elena said

"of course you do thats why you ended up here" cami laughed

"shut up" elena said

"Marcel tell davina not to come here please" cami yelled

"got it" marcel yelled and vamped

davina hung up the phone"what the hell is going on"

"i got to go upstairs with issy" caroline said and vamped upstairs

"him better not be me" kol said

"its not its her brother she forgot to tell jeremy that she was moving to new orleans with her daughter" haley said

"your all bad liars" davina said

"remember there are things that can change the way things look" elijah said and walked away

"is there something your trying to tell me" kol asked

"no not all idiot" rebekah said and walked upstairs

cami was still trying to understand why elena wouldn't tell him

"elena you got to tell him he has a daughter" cami said she understood the not telling him but she also knew that he deserved to know his daughter

"no cami i can't tell him it'll break him" elena said she loved him to much she knew she should have been told him but it was her choice and now she had to live with it

"elena it'll break him even more if your not the one to tell him he deserves this he didn't go back because he thought you got pregnant by someone else its not his fault lena" cami said

"ok lets go to the compound i'll act like i ran into you" cami said

"ok lets go" elena said they got up and both headed to the compound

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