chapter 14

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klaus and kol went back to new orleans without there daughters but they were happy that there plans went right they walked in the compound and everyone was waiting

"so did it work"  freya said

"its not hard for two originals to seudce people" caroline said

"you still mad love" klaus said

"not this again caroline" rebekah said

"he had to seduce his ex i was perfectly fine with kol seducing elena why did he have to seduce haley" caroline asked

"for the spell to work it had to happen we agreed the best way to get all four of them back" freya said

"so if the spell doesn't work and neither of them end up pregnant were screwered i want my best friend back for goodness sake lexi stole my best friend" caroline said she hated that elena wouldn't consider putting her in on it but would put lexi in"if it doesn't work i'll never talk to any of you again"

"i second that" bonnie said

bonnie and caroline walked out of the compound they missed there best friend and was mad that they couldn't find her

elena and haley were sitting in the living room with there head in there hands

"mom whats wrong" bella said walking in with lexi hope jenna and cami

"whats going on" hope asked

"i did something really bad" elena said she couldn't believe that she slept with her ex again"like really bad"

"i did something bad to" haley said

"go upstairs and don't listen in" cami said she knew there was something going on big time

"alright" bella said she was wondering what was going on but she knew that if she needed to know that her mom would tell her

bella and hope ran upstairs and cami and them sat on the couch besides the two girls

"what happened" cami asked

"kol and klaus showed up here they had already been invited in" elena said

"thats why i split i smelled his scent" haley said

"i vamped to the apartment grabbed a dagger and hid it it didn't go as planned" elena said"we got to talking i should have known"

"they seduced us so hard" haley said

flashback elena

"come back with us" kol said

"i can't we can't i have to keep her safe even if it means hurting you in the process" elena said she didn't want to but she knew what she had to do

elena grabbed the dagger from under her pillow and was about to dagger him when he grabbed her arm

"don't do this elena" kol said then he whispered in her ear"please baby don't do this just give me the dagger"

"fine" elena sighed she knew she wouldn't be able to do it no matter the circumstances she did still love him with all her heart

she handed him the dagger he took it from her and threw it on the ground he loved this girl with all is heart and knew that he couldn't hurt her or be mad at her but he knew he had to get her back even if it meant going through with his siblings plan

"what do you want from me if you wanted to find her you could" elena said

"i don't just want her elena i love you always have always will" kol said

end of flashback

"both of us i feel so stupid" haley said

"how does seducing the two of you help them get the girls back" lexi said

"i don't know but i'm gonna find out" cami said

"it was to easy and i fell for it" elena said

"everything will be fine" jenna said"anything happens i'll deal with the jerks myself"

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