chapter 8

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elena was sitting with bella on the couch in her room stroking her hair

"whats wrong mom "issabella asked

"nothing sweetie" elena said she had been tense since she talked to kol the other day and had been avoiding him since

"whats wrong" issabella asked again she knew there was something wrong with her mom

"i'm fine just a little tense thats all how about you go in your room and play with your toys" elena smiled

"alright" issabella said she got up and ran to her room closing the door behind her

there was a knock on the door davina went and got it it was davina"hey elena can we talk"

elena was surprised that davina wanted to talk to her they weren't really friends"sure" she stepped asside and davina closed the door behind her both girls sat down on the couch elena grabbed her phone and pressed record"what do you want to talk about"

"i know that she's his daughter he doesn't want to know and you obviously don't want to tell him so how about you just leave your not needed her and your messing with him" davina said

"i'm not messing with anyone and i'm here for hope if he figures it out then he does" elena said

"he obvously doesn't want to know you gave him all the clues and he hasn't put it together" davina said

"how about we leave that up to him her birthday is in a few weeks i'll let him decide if he doesn't i let his sisters tell him" elena said

"why can't you just leave your messing with his head" davina said

"no i'm not did he tell you about the conversation we had where he brung up our past" elena asked and davina was speechless"i thought so i don't know who you think your talking to but its not me"

"i'm not playing we were doing just fine before you showed up now everyone is against us" davina said

"i don't want him he wants me there's a difference he'll never love you like he loved me so how about you get over yourself and make a smart decision for once and becareful jealous people do stupid shit" elena said she knew that davina was gonna mess up all on her own

"just leave no one wants you here" davina said she was scared for her relationship it took her forever to get the mikaelsons to accept her and now that elena was here it was all crumbling down

"see thats where your wrong little girl no one wants you here everyone wants me here you'll never be accepted the way i am so how about you get over yourself and trust me if i wanted him i could have him davina you forgot one thing he was gonna come back until news hit that i was pregnant you know how bad he's gonna feel when he learns she's his daughter so little bitch how about you get out and watch yourself" elena smirked she knew she hit a nerve by what she was saying and she didn't care this girl wasn't come in here and disrespect her when she hasn't done anything wrong

"this is not over i'll end you" davina said

"try me bitch get out" elena said and davina walked out elena sent the audio to klaus freya elijah rebekah haley cam and caroline

davina walked downstairs and left and on her way she ran into someone

"are you davina claire"

"yes i am who are you" davina asked

"an enemy of elena i need to get back at her for something wanna help"

"sure what i gotta do" davina said she'd do anything to hurt elena she wanted her and issabella gone

"issabella your gonna bring her to me then your gonna cast a spell so elena's blood can't track her i'll take it from there"

"give me 2 weeks her birthdays coming up i'll do it the day before" davina smirked she was ready to get rid of them once and for all

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