chapter 7

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elena and cami walked into the compound they seen marcel kol rebekah davina and freya

"hey" cami said

"so whats going on" davina asked

"why are y'all looking at me like that" elena asked

"elena you never were a good liar" kol said

"you can talk to me now but say everything else behind i know i'm lying but i don't have to tell you anything" elena smirked"i can lie all i want i take vervain and wear it y'all think i'm slow by the way i have vampire hearing you don't think i heard freya say does he know were not on hold everything i said was because i knew y'all were listening y'all don't trust me but i don't blame you like next time you wanna spy on me at least do it right you taught me all your tricks i do you as well as you do " then she  vamped upstairs

"i still like elena better than davina your an idiot" rebekah said and walked out

"i love davina but i second your sister elena deserved more than what you gave her" marcel said and walked out kol vamped out

"face it davina everyone hates you and loves her she's always been better how many times has he vamped out on you since she arrived we both know thats his daughter i know you figured it so watch how you threat elena cause he'll always love her more than you and there's nothing that you can do to stop them from getting back together so have fun" cami said and ran upstairs when she got in elena's room she seen freya rebekah haley elena bella and caroline"why is everyone in here" cami asked

"because there nosey as hell" elena said"i need to get out of here"

"go lena i got her" cami said and elena vamped out

"why did you let her leave" caroline aksed

"her mom died everyone with the last name mikaelson including bella she doesn't be by she doesn't want to let her anger out on y'all" cami said

elena was walking along the streets when she bumped into someone making them both fall she looked and seen katehrine"bitch"

"oh hi my precious doppelganger how's your daughter" katherine smiled

"what are you doing here don't you have a salvatore to be chasing" elena asked

"mad cause they don't care about you or are you mad cause you no longer have your precious mikaelson boyfriend he left you and when he was gonna come back everything came crashing down or is it that he doesn't want to know about his daughter" katherine teased elena grabbed her and threw her against the nearest wall

"try me bitch" elena growled katherine threw elena to the floor when she went to grab her elena rolled over vamped up grabbed katherine kneeded her in the stomach and put her in a tight choke hold"i'll kill you right now"

kol walked up to the girls"elena what are you doing"

"i'm about to kill her what does it look like i'm doing" elena siad

"bitch if you don't let me go" katherine said

"what you gonna do" elena asked then she snapped katherine's neck and let her fall to the ground"what do you want"

"this is my town you know i actually do go around" kol said

"whatever you say i got better things to do then talk to you" elena siad and walked away she knew that she needed to stay away from him for her own good

"shouldn't i be the one mad at you why are you acting like i did something wrong" kol shouted

she turned around and looked at him"you did do something wrong don't blame me i got pregnant you left you didn't come back"

"i was supposed to come back and what elena" kol said

"ask yourself that how about you actually think for a minute or do you need your new girlfriend to do it for you i scare her she's scared like really scared make sure she doesn't do something she'll regret i don't have time for you anymore i can't do this with you either can't be mad i'm here and just a little hint she's not blond"  elena said and vamped away

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