chapter 4

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freya was with rebekah klaus and haley they were in the compound talking everyone else was gone

"so you figured it out" haley asked

"yeah i did" freya said

"did she freak out like she did when i told her i knew" rebekah said she understood where elena was coming from

"it depends what did she say to you" freya asked

"well mine was more i'm trying to protect her him knowing that he has a daughter is going to put her in danger" rebekah said

"oh thats not true" klaus said he know thats not the only reason that elena wasn't telling kol she can see that she's still hurt

"yeah thats not what she told me she told me that he walked out on her and she doesn't have to tell him anything he defies his brother any other time she gave up everything her family cause she loved him and he walked out on her its not her fauly he didn't come back she doesn't care what anyone says she had a right to do what she did then she mentioned that she wanted to protect her daughter from the enemies that come with being in this family" freya said

"and" rebekah said she knew that her sister was holding something back and she really wanted to know

"she said that we can't tell him he has to figure it out on his own we are however allowed to drop hints" freya said

"its almost impossible to drop hints since she has that glamour spell" rebekah said

"her attitude is just like his" haley said she knew they were going to have to use that to there advantage if they wanted him to find out

"my brother isn't slow but he also wants to be nowhere near elena" elijah said walking up

"elijah what are you doing here" haley asked

"i already knew about issabella i was the one trying to convince him go back 5 years ago but after the news spread that elena was pregnant he didn't want to be anywhere near her he thought that it was someone else's baby and wouldn't consider that it was his own" elijah said

"what do you mean you already knew how did you already know" rebekah asked she understood how klaus would know and haley but she didn't understand how elijah knew

"elena's little witch friend told me" elijah siad bonnie had called him when she found out elena was pregnant and told him to try to get kol to come back but don't tell him she's pregnant

"bonnie why would bonnie tell you and not me" rebekah said

"thats why you were trying to convince kol to go back because you knew but when it came out everything went to hell" freya said

"what went to hell" kol asked walking in

"nothing" rebekah said she heard elena's rules and she was going to stick to them

"your lying" kol said

"were not lying but i got to go get hope she's in elena's room with bella" haley said and vamped out

"real smooth who else wants to lie to me" kol said he knew something was going on he knew his siblings well enough to know when one of them was lying to him

"were not lying to you" elijah said

"fine your not lying you know something and you won't tell me" kol said

"cause we can't its not our choice" haley said coming down the stairs with hope and bella"i'm taking the girls out to do something i asked elena she said i could her and caroline were on the phone with bonnie"

"can i come" rebekah said

"yeah" haley said and both girls walked out with bella and hope

"y'all are still lying to me why" kol asked

"its not our choice i made a promise you are an idiot who still haven't figured it out yet" freya said

"well then i guess i'm an idiot" kol said and vamped out

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