chapter 11

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elena haley and caroline vamped to the ware house they seen bella tied to a chair they seen esther mikael and finn elena vamped and snapped finn and esthers neck leaving just mikael

mikael vamped and snapped caroline's neck elena seen white oak stakes and grabbed it and stabbed him in the heart making him die"there were done"

"that was to easy" haley said

"i know thats why you three are going back there both unconcious if they ask i traded myself tell bella to contact bonnie" elena siad

"ok" haley said and elena vamped out she went to isobel's old safe house in new orleans and then she called bonnie

"where are you" elen asked

"me and damon are heading to new orleans" bonnie siad

"i need a favor keep her safe for me" elena said

"always i won't let anything happen to her what do you want me to tell them" bonnie saod

"your her legal guardian as of right now cami knows this i want her to still know them though and don't tell them you talked to me" elena said

"stay safe elena" bonnie said

2  years and 6 months later

kol was with bella

"dad where's hope i wanted to show her the new spell bonnie taught me" bella said she missed her mom with all her heart but she had the feeling that she was safe she loved spending time with he dad and his family

"she's here" kol said the two walked into the compound and all his siblings were waiting with marcel caroline and cami"whats wrong"

"i got a call there shipping something here from there sound of worry it was bad" marcel said

"whats with the urgent call caroline" bonnie asked walking in

2 guys walked in they were 2 of marcel's vampires"we have bad news" they were looking mostly too bella

"why are you looking at me" bella asked

"were sorry bella" she vamped to them and they handed her a picture it was a doppelganger straight hair her mom's necklace  she had a stake through her heart

"no no no that can't be her she can't be dead" bella teared she was trying to think of a way that her mom wasn't dead but either way she thought about it her mom was dead

"the pictures were sent with this" the hybrid handed her a note

"couldn't take care of you so i finally took care of her i told her i would end her and i did"

"i thought davina was long gone" bonnie siad

"if i see her she's dead" bella said and vamped to her room

2 years and six months later

bella was now now ten years old it was her tenth birthday and she was having a big party that she didn't want she was in her room when haley and bonnie walked in"hey are you alright" bonnie said she was worried for her neice

"yeah i'm fine i'm double digits and my mom is dead everythings just fine" bella saod

"come on its time to see everyone" haley smiled

"i got to get my dress on i'll meet y'all down there" bella said they nodded and went downstairs bella got changed into her dress it was pink and black dress and put her hair into messy bun and looked at the photo of her and her mom when she was younger than she went back downstairs and seen everyone waiting

"happy birthday bella" everyone said they wanted to make this a good day for her but they knew she didn't want to do t

"still hate my birthday" bella said

"we know but your double digets so you gotta deal with it" caroline said she felt bad she knew how much bella missed her mom and that she didn't care about her birthday

"you said a similar thing last year and the year before and the year before and the year before" bella whispered she hated her birthday especailly since yesterday was the anniversarry that her mom was kidnapped 5 years ago

"attitude" bonnie said she didn't want to be mean but she wanted bella not to show her attitude and try to keep it hidden

"i don't like my birthday i'm sorry" bella said

"can i do it can i do it" hope squealed  her and kol worked something to do to try to make bella happy

"go for it hope" kol said hope stepped in the middle of the room and chanted and a firework show started"happy birthday bella"

"thanks hope" bella smiled

"bella can i show you something" cami said bella nodded and walked over to cami who kneeled next to her and held her hands and a slideshow appeared  it was pictures of elena and bella"its all from you every memory you have with her is gonna display you can keep it going as long as you want "

bella gave cami a hug"thanks cami"

"ok what do you want to do" kol asked

"bella can we show them please" hope smiled

"yeah but i can't do it in a dress and neither can you" bella smirked and used her magic and they were both in jogging suits

"kol's smirk this isn't going to end well" rebekah joked

"everyone back up" bella said everyone did as told"you first" hope went and did 3 backflips and 3 front flips and a back walkover into the splits bella went and did 3 back flips 3 front flips a back walkover and a side arieal over hope and landed on her feet everyone started clapping

'katherine' walked in and looked at them"nice job" she had curled hair and black on

bella ran to her and gave her a hug"mom"

"thats katherine" klaus said

"no thats elena i may have known she was alive" haley said

"i did too" bonnie said

"bonnie" elena said bonnie waved her hand and elena was back to normal her hair was straight with the red stripe she was wearing a blue top and jeans with boots

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