Chapter 24

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Everyone was in the compound Davina was tied to a chair with the magic witch cuffs on. Tyler had the vampire cuffs on and was tied with vervain and wolfsbane. Stefan had a wolfsbite and was trapped to the wall. And Jeremy was tied standing to a wall.

"How the hell did you manage that in 2 hours" Caroline asked.

"Elena" Freya Haley Cami Lexi and Jenna said.

"Yeah what the hell did you do" Klaus asked.

"Elena had came up with a plan before we left we decided the groups on purpose Cami made a secret pocket in her jacket that held the cuffs and spelled so she wasn't out long" Jenna said,

"Lexi make Stefan angry any way possible more anger the quicker you handle him" Elena said."Haley sneak up from behind if he doesn't have it in his hand you'll be fine your stronger because you more have more experience then the old hybrids Jenna why she is doing that distract him. Freya don't kill him i have far worse plans get the cuffs on him and he won't be a problem let him know that we just ended there plan. I can handle Davina she'll let her Jealousy get the best of her and won't search me just try to kill me as soon as possible."

"Go Mom" Isabella said.

"There stupid don't they know better by now" Bonnie said.

"Bonnie Freya Cami Hope Isabella your turn" Elena backed up and let the 5 witches up. Freya walked up to tyler. Cami walked up to Jeremy. Bonnie walked up to Stefan. Hope and Isabella walked up to Davina."This is worse."

"I can kill Tyler right" Freya asked.

"Yup" Everyone said.

"Same here right" Isabella asked.

"Do your worst" Elena said,

"Stefan i won't kill you but i have another way see we found the cure to vamparism and after i gave Rebekah a procreation spell she agreed to let me have it to use as i wish" Bonnie said.

"You went after my neices and i didn't respect that espeically since one of them are your neice i am going to tie you up and tourture you" Cami said'

"One at a time i want to see this" Caroline said.

"Me first" Bonnie clenched her fist and made Stefan start to scream. She forced the cure into his mouth and he passed out."Don't drink his blood or you risk getting the cure."

Cami waved her hand over Jeremy and he started to scream."You went after a 17 year old girl you must be insane." She started to clench her fingers back N forth making him scream louder."That is the sound of your bones breaking." She clenched her fists hard."That is an anyriousm worth than you ever imagined becareful."

"So you bit my neice." Freya said,

"What you gonna do little girl" Tyler groaned.

"I'm the 2nd original witch i'm older than my brothers i can hurt you in ways you've never experienced" Freya smirked. She put her hand to the ground and slowly lifted it up. 3 stakes appeared. She threw them at Tyler."My brother wants to murder you. You bit his daughter so i think i'm gonna let him. tourture was always his thing. But first." She snapped and three throwing knives were in her hands."Little brother"

Kol walked up to her and she handed him the 3 three knives."What do they do."

"One makes him crave blood one stops his healing and the last one gives him really bad dimentia and hallucinations" Freya said,

"This is why we get along" Kol said.

"You two might want to look the other its about to get bloody" Elena said.

Bella and Hope turned towards Davina away from tyler. Kol stabbed one knife in his leg on is his stomach and the last in the side of his neck."You plotted against my daughter and my neice and i don't like that"

Tyler started to scream as the magic from the knives started to set. His screaming was getting louder and louder.He tried to talk but his breaths were coming out ragged."ju-st ki--ll MEE-EE" The screaming stopped and he looked into the distance."Mason i'm so sorry"

"Hallucanations are starting" Damon said.

"How do you know" Klaus said,

"Mason died at Damon's hand because Mason tried to kill all three of us" Caroline said,

"Maybe he finally realised that Katherine was a selfish bitch" Bonnie added.

Kol reached into Tylers chest and pulled out his heart and crushed it. "Never mess with a Mikaelson Freya"

"My pleasure little brother." She summonded a fire ball and threw it at Tyler turning his body to ash.

"Bella Hope your turn" Elena said.

"Yes" Bella said.

"What you gonna do little girl" Davina asked.

"Remember that time i threw you against the wall i've grown stronger since" Bella said.Her and Hope joined hands and they started to chant. Davina started to scream. Each time the girls would go louder she would scream louder. Her skin was turning red and she started to puke up blood."You went after me. You went after my mother and drove her into hiding and i didn't appreciate that" The chair that Davina was in fell. The girls stopped and turned towards Elena.

"Aunt Elena want to finish" Hope asked.

Elena Nodded and vamped to Davina. She pulled out her heart."Freya" Freya through a fireball at Davina's dead body,"Cami" Cami waved her hands and all the ashes started to float she whisked them away and they looked like they were flying in wind.

"They are heading to the ocean so they can never be revived again" Cami smirked.

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