Chapter 20

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A month later

Elena was sleep in her room. Sapphire was laying next to her. A knock on her door woke her up.

Isabella walked into the room."Mom are you ok."

"Yes i am fine" Elena said. She sat up being careful not to wake her sleeping daughter.

"Are you getting up its your birthday come on" Isabella said.

"I'm up i promise" Elena yawned. She knew it was her birthday but she really didn't care.

"Good get dressed wake her up and come downstairs" Isabella said. She turned on the light and closed the door.


Elena went downstairs carrying Sapphire. Bonnie was holding Caleb and Klaus had Jake.

"Hello birthday girl good to see you up" Caroline said,

"We know you hate your birthday just like your daughter" Cami said.

"She's tired the guys did a boys thing yesterday nad took Jake and Caleb with and then Sapphire caught a fever that Elena could fix until three in the morning" Hope said.

"What were you doing up at three in the morning"  Haley asked.

"We an talk about that tomorrow it's Elena's birthday" Hope said. "Bella can you help me with something"

"Yes" Both girls vamped out.

"There up to something" Kol said,

"Bella had yor smirk on she is planning something and she is hiding something and i'm just plain evil" Klaus said.

Kol walked up to Elena and took Sapphire."I got her," Then when and sat down on the chairs.

"So i know you really don't like your birthday like your stubborn daughter and with the twins and Jake here now so i opted for something simple with Lexi's help. To keep it simple" Caroline said,"And Cami's magic"

"What" Elena asked.

"So when they get back in like ten minutes i'll show you" Caroline said.


Isabella and Hope walked back in.

"Ok Cami" Caroline siad.

"Were ready" Cami smiled, She waved her hands tables appeared decorated with things on it.

"So since we kind of forced the pregnancy on you but now were all kind of over it me Klaus Rebekah Elijah and Kol are not allowed to drink today you Lexi Jenna Haley and Cami can drink as much as you want we have a table of drinks snacks barbuque  deserts "

Sorry its short

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