Chapter 23

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Elena Kol Haley Klaus Lexi Cami Jenna and Freya were out looking for them.

"I say we split up better chances" Lexi said. The girls had come up with a plan.

"I agree we split we got better chances" Cami said.

"There's 8 of us and four of them Elena and Cami Kol and me Haley and Jenna and Klaus and Lexi any questions" Freya asked.

"No were good" Haley said.

"Split" Haley said. The four groups went there seperate ways.


Jenna and Jenna were walking around when Haley asked."So do you like Elijah"

"Elijah No he's all yours i think that would be creepy his little brother is married to my neice" Jenna said.

"So Jeremy is there anything i need to worry about" Haley asked.

"He's a damn good shot so becareful Hope and Jake don't need to lose there mother" Jenna said. She wouldn't be able to live if anything happened to Haley tonight she knew that they were going to have to be very careful otherwise things were goin to go terribly wrong.

"Do you think Elena can do it" Haley asked.

"I've seen it done before if anyone can do it i promise you its going to be her" Jenna said. She also knew that the more that they worried the more in danger that they are.

"If this goes wrong Kol is going to kill us" Haley siad.

"I don't doubt that she's his life if something happens to her then its game over." Jenna said.

Jeremy walked in front of them."Jenna"

"She said it you would draw him out" Haley said,

"What are you doing Jeremy this is not right it doesn't matter the family. So what" Jenna asked.

"His brother killed her" Jeremy said.

"And saved her life 3 more times" Jenna said.

"I don't care he's just going to hurt her again" Jeremy siad.

"The few times he supposedly hurt her he gave her something she'd always cherish her three kids a love that will never die a real family" Haley said.

"3" Jeremy asked.

"Isabella Sapphire and Caleb Mikaelson he changed Jer he's a better person i can say that i live in the same house as all of them for over a year and everythings been great" Jenna said.

"She loves him and he loves her they have a love that will never die why can't you be happy for her" Haley asked.

"I don't trust him and i never will" Jermey reached for a stake in his pocket. Both girls vamped behind him. He turned to look at them. Haley vamped behind him she put her hand over his nose and mouth making sure to knock that stake out his hand and making him pass out.

"We tried reasoning." Haley said.


Klaus and Lexi were walking around when they smelt a lot of blood. They vamped to it and found Stefan draining a body.

"Ripper" Klaus said.

Stefan dropped the body and turned to look at them."Lexi"

"Your off the rails again kind of hard to get peace" Lexi said. She was tired of Stefan going off the rails but as his best friend she knew that it was her job to get him straight again."So we gonna do this the hard way or the easy way."

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