chapter 15

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Its been two weeks since elena and haley seen kol and klaus elena was sitting on her bed when she had to throw up she vamped to the bathrooom and through up everything she had eaten then haley did the same thing

"mom" bella and hope yelled they vamped to there moms and tried to help the best that they could

"no no no" lexi yelled yelled"thats why"

"i'm going to check my grimore" cami said

bella and hope helped there moms to there room which were right next to each other

"why are they acting like its world war three" hope asked she didn't udnerstand why her aunts were freaking out over there moms throwing up

"vampires don't get sick and both of our mothers can get pregnant" bella said she couldn't believe that her mom was pregnant again"we have a  sibling coming"

"everyone downstairs i found something" cami yelled

everyone vamped to the living room and sat down on the couch

"a spell a really old one get a person pregnant but it has like four different requirements they have to already been pregnant there baby that they had has to be over ten years at least not allowed to be a rape and finally same person they got pregnant by the last time" cami said

"wait when was dad here" bella asked she had no idea that her father even found them she didn't want to go with him she was still processing the fact that he left her mom"when were they here"

"i don't feel so good" elena said she vamped to the bathroom and threw up again

"they were hear 2 weeks ago they showed up and played your mom and haley hard as an attempt to get us to come back looks like they had more up there sleeve" jenna said she hated them at the moment

elena walked back out the bathroom and sat back on the couch she couldn't believe that they would do this to her

"upstairs now" hope yelled  she was sensing something not good coming there way

someone broke down the door it was a group of witches and started saying spells jenna and lexi vamped haley and elena upstairs and hope bella and cami joined hands and made each of them fall out

"we gotta get out of here it won't last for long" bella said she was angry really angry with her dad and uncle she couldn't beleive them that they would do this"we gotta go back we don't have a choice"

they went upstairs and elena jenna lexi and haley were all in elena's room bella hated what she was about to say but she knew that it was true they had to go back thats the only way they were going to be protected

"we gotta go back" elena whispered she hated it that after everything she did for her daughter that they got played and were now being forced to come back"the backs that i had enchanted pack everything you want jenna can you vamped cami there i need you to work some magic on my old room can you add about 7 more rooms just in case"

"yeah" cami said

they all started packing and puttng everything they wanted into there bags there clothes phone charger when they were done jenna and cami grabbed there bags and jenna vamped them to new orleans it took a good hour but they finally arrived they walked in and they seen kol klaus elijah rebekah freya marcel caroline damon and bonnie

"you people are terrible" jenna said

"tell us something we don't know so it worked" rebekah said

"they've been throwing up all morning i have work to do" cami said

"her room is still the same except i moved out" caroline said

"good cause she's not talking to any one of you we just got attacked by a lot of witches because you wanna try to get them back bella is furious" cami said she ran upstairs to elena's room and made 7 more rooms appear then she went back downstairs"Its done"

"Bella and hope are very mad so dont be surprised when they give y'all the cold shoulder" jenna said

bella and hope ran down the stairs of the compound

"how did y'all get up there" caroline asked

"were mikaelson witches" hope and bella said in a duh tone they were still really mad

"there are spells for everything" freya said

"i'm mad at you two y'all used them and she's been throwing up all morning you people disgust me who does that that's not fair and if anything happens to her i know where daggers are i'll put all of you in coffins and i know the spell that dhalia put on freya none of you are safe" bella said she was still mad she couldn't believe that they would do that to her mom and haley

"oh and by the way i should mention elena doesn't like you anymore caroline or you bonnie some friends" hope said she hated them at this point she couldn't believe that they would stoop this low

bella and hope vamped out and lexi walked down the stairs followed by haley

"doppelgangers react differently to spells she's up there throwing up again" lexi said she hated seeing elena like this

"i'm gonna say this is the nicest way possible kol get your ass up and talk to her i'm pretty much mad at everyone except you at the moment due to the fact of you two belong together everyone else stay away from her" haley said

jenna and haley walked out and kol vamped up to elena's room he opened the door and walked in and heard elena throwing up he closed the door behind him and went to where elena was he seen her on the floor in her bathroom throwing up

"can we talk" kol asked

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