chapter 16

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"can we talk" kol asked he knew that what he had did was wrong but he wanted them back

"sure" elena said she didn't want to talk to him but at the same time she waned to know why he did what he did why he played her like that

he helped her up and they walked into her room and sat on the bed elena wanted to know why would they do what they did and kol was just hoping that he could forgive her

"i meant everything i said elena" kol said he knew she had no right to believe him but he was hoping that she would"i wasn't just using you"

"why'd you do it why'd y'all make this plan you put our daughter hope me lexi jenna cami y'all put us in danger what would have happened if no one sensed them witches today we would have all been dead i die so does hope were connected still risk your daughters life for what" elena asked she hated that they did this to her this was the last thing that she needed"i was actually considering coming back cause i do trust that  y'all can protect us now i am being forced to be here thats not fair"

"i know i shouldn't have did it we shouldn't have did that to y'all but it seemed like the last option me and caroline were the last to agree everyone wanted them back" kol said he didn't want to hurt her he didn't want to hurt any of them"if there had been something else i could've done i would have but i wanted y'all back all of us did even rebekah missed you you had grown close to everyone you came back then you left and took them with you i'm sorry elena"

"i know you are but i'm the wrong one to be saying it to" elena said and pointed at the door where bella was standing watching she went and sat next to her dad"she's madder than i am"

"you know your the only one that has a chance at not getting yelled at i plan on shunning everyone of them for this plan" bella said she wasn't mad at her dad not really cause she believed that he was still in love with her mom"so you might want to use your words carefully for everyone's sake"

"i'm sorry i know that i shouldn't have done that i wanted y'all back and everyone else agreed with it we all just wanted y'all back and we didn't know how to do it" kol said

"you wanna know why i stayed away because i didn't want to be here cause she was right you need to figure out what you want and you need to do it now were back were not going anywhere were here adn were here to stay now y'all have two pregnacies you have to deal with are you gonna be here for her like you should have been for me i'll be back i gotta go find hope we don't need her witching out" bella said andd vamped out she meant it if he wanted to be here he could

"i'll be here for you elena i'm not going anywhere you can count on that" kol said

"still hiding the bad behind the good you know if you show the good in you people wouldn't always suspect you of being behind everything" elena said

"but showing the bad also keeps people from expecting the best in everyone" kol said

"you can be good and physco at the same time i've proved that many " elena said she loved that they were getting to talk actually talk

"yeah i know i've seen it many times your terriying" kol said 

"like" elena said

"me teaching you flipps you kept screaming when you were getting it wrong you were so mad all you wanted to do was ace your tryout but when you finally got it you were jumping up and down with excitement" kol said"or your first day of school you went and someone made you so mad that you wanted to kill them and then stefan said something the next day i personally drove you to school and when everyone was watching i spinned you like a princess and walked you to your first class"

"i remember that all the girls were starring at you when we walked in they didn't say anything else to me it made my day seeing everyone's face" elena smiled

"you deserve to be treated like a princess" kol said

"i remember times when your siblings made you so mad i calmed you and helped you so that you didn't get daggered again" elena said

"you helped a lot if you hadn't been there i would have been" kol sai"imissed this"

"i did to" elena said she loved times like this when they could be thereselves and not worry about everything going wrong"could we be us again like we were before"

"we can't be like we were before we can be better then we were before cause i'm not going anywhere you don't have to worry about me disapearing again you got family behind you and everything is gonna be alright" kol said

"i love you" elena smiled she leaned on his shoulder

"i love you too always have and always will""how about i show you around when you lived here you never got an official tour"

"yeah come on" elena said "not to fast" elena gave him her hand and he vamped them out

bella and hope were in the compound when elena and kol vamped out

"told you it would work" hope smiled

"it was to easy" haley said

"there miserable without each other" bella said

"what did you three do" lexi asked

"easy made them talk they belong together they made each other whole together they help each other when the others down and without each other they do crazy things" bella said

"like" jenna said

"elena's first day of senior year it didn't go well due to ex spreading rumors about her so the next day kol personally drove her walked her to her class and spinned her like a princess ain't nobody say anything else" caroline said

"or there was the time klaus did something and kol was about to snap and end up daggered elena got him to calm down it was so sweet" rebekah said

"or when he took her to the first dance of the school year a lot of people were mad for obvious reasons but they didn't notice they were in there own world nothing could hurt them in that moment" bonnie said

"when he left it was hard on your mom all crazy people have that one thing that can calm them for her that was him" caroline said

"we did girls days we did all things but it didn't help she cried in her room she was secretly planning ways to kill your uncles and aunt" bonnie said

"really" rebekah said

"yeah she got a hold of a witch that said she could have all the daggers made in 2 weeks" bonnie siad

"then she found out she was pregnant and wasn't so focused on getting rid of y'all and more on the pregnancy" caroline said

"your dad was a different story he stayed to himself for the first time in forecer he didn't want to be by anyone elijah was talking him into going back he never wanted to leave her but he didn't want to lose us either it was like for the first time in forever we cared about him thats how he felt and he didn't want to lose that i seen him cry for the first time in years when he had to leave your dad was a physcotic asshole but when he met her it changed everything he was never one for doppelgangers that was nik and elijah but he was in love with her for the first time in a thousand years he was in love" she hated what they did if they wouldn't have put him in that situation none of this would have happened rebekah said"he was literally ready to go back when news hit that elena was pregnant but vampires can't procreate we didn't really think much on the she's a vampire it was more he can't have kids elijah knew though if he would have told your dad kol would have left without a thought he would have been by herside been there for both of you"

"you people are horrible" jenna said

"i agree with that" bella and hope said

"she's not gonna talk to any of you for days" lexi said

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