chapter 17

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elena was sitting on her bed its been a week since they moved back and she was still refusing to talk to everyone else she was so mad at them for coming up with this plan she had forced kol and bella to have a father daughter day so she could be alone with her thoughts

"so boy or girl" cami asked walking in she sat down next to elena she was happy her cousin was so happy

"i want a boy" elena smiled

"thats what haley said" cami said

"we both already got girls and she's also mad at the moment cause she said there hiding something from us but i already know what it is there not slick" elena smirked

"what" cami asked she had been trying to figure out whats going on but couldn't

"klaus married caroline and got haley pregnant again" elena said kol had told her about what had happened she was happy he was being honest with her"caroline is not happy at all with the pregnancy thats why she and kol were the last two to agree she's was perfectly fine with kol doing it to me but klaus and haley she was pissed"

"your lucky i'm kind of avoiding marcel i don't know what to do" cami said

"talk to him he was always was a cool guy and even with the fact that davina was like his daughter he stayed in the middle" elena said

"oh yeah haley wants to talk to you" cami said she had completly forgetten why she walked in

"come on" elena said she was happy that they were figuring things out together

cami and elena walked in the living room where lexi jenna and haley were sitting they took a seat on the other couch they knew they were gonna have to all talk to them eventually

"i think we should all talk to them there hiding something" haley said

"caroline is married to nik" elena said and everyone's eyes widened

"what the hell" lexi said she couldn't believe that they would agree to get haley pregnant if he was married"what the fuck were they thinking"

"they weren't obviously" jenna said she knew they were insane and crazy but she never thought they would do something like this

"i'll go down with you" elena said she was ready to talk to all of them together she knew she was gonna have to eventually"i can't stay in here forever"

"do you know that your belly is bigger than haley's you have a small bump" cami said looking at elena's stomach

"me and haley go to the doctors tomorrow i'll see" elena said she just thought that it had something to do with her being a doppelganger

they all walked downstairs and were happy that everyone was there kol and bella were talking and so was hope and klaus marcel and elijah were discussing something and rebekah and freya were looking through a grimore bonnie was talking to damon and there were other vampires talking amongst themselves

"your finally down" freya said she had sensed elena come down the stairs

"ugh i owe you money" bella groaned and handed hope a twenty

"told you one week and she'd want the whole truth from everyone" hope said

"this is like the time they made the bet about which one of us would crack first bella got it right haley" lexi said

"i admit it i was wrong i thought she'd make them sweat longer god knows they deserve it especially so called best friends" bella said she knew she was making them mad and she loved it"yeah i'm still mad at y'all"

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