A Meeting

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It was Vader's first trip to Naboo since his beloved Padme Naberrie died. Or to put it more aptly, ten years ago to the day since he killed her. A day which also shared the anniversary of his decade long confinement to the cage he was forced to wear. Vader washed the memory from his mind. 

Anakin Skywalker had a wife. He was Darth Vader. 

An Imperial troop from his special brigade commandeered Vader's ship as the Sith Lord stared out of the viewing window. There was nervousness in the pit of his stomach as they descended onto the landing strip just beyond the queen's estate, a large stone structure of beautiful and elaborate design. Naboo was just as he remembered it. Mountains etched into the landscape beneath a vibrant sky, flowers blossoming in every corner in pots, and in fields.

Beyond the queen's palace was a meadow that stretched as far as the eyes could see. He remembered frolicking about, rolling in it with his beloved Padme. No. Anakin's Padme- not his, he reminded himself. He shook his head. I am Vader. The trip to Naboo was to be a short one. It wouldn't take long to find the Jedi who hid there. This one escaped the purge more than ten years ago to hide among Naboo civilians. Ten long years he'd been on the run. The Jedi will be destroyed, Vader resolved.

He thought of Anakin Skywalker and the lights on his chest plates danced. Times like these he suspected the emperor of using the panel to control his thoughts. Whenever he reflected on Anakin's life, his wife, his deceased child, the lights danced, flashed red, then he was suddenly back on task - amazingly focused.

Diplomats sent by the Queen approached his ship. One of which was a young man who looked to be a teen. He had curly hair, pale skin, and olive-colored eyes. The other was a young woman. Naboo still held its tradition of seating young politicians. Perhaps because they were naive and would bring fresh ideas to Naboo policy. Anakin was young when he met Padme Amidala. She was a politician, he thought.

Vader descended the platform and walked toward them - a shining black Lord of the Sith. His dark silken cape whipped wildly behind him in the wind. Ten armed Imperial underlings followed. One of the Naboo diplomats, a woman, waved a hand and motioned for him to stop. Vader contemplated moving forward and crushing her under his big black boot. Instead, he paused.

"Lord Vader, pleasure to meet you. I am 

[Full Name] and this is my colleague, Ace Finata. We're diplomats sent by the queen to welcome you."

[Name] looked at Vader, her pointy nose raised in the air proudly. He stared at the woman's [colour] eyes, high cheekbones, and shiny [colour] hair.

"I'm aware of who you are,

[Last Name]."

The sound of Vader's voice was louder than usual, meaner. His gaze lingered. The Sith Lord clasped both mechanical hands behind his back and strode past her to address Ace.

"As well you should." she retorted.

Vader turned, and for a second he thought he saw her looking through his mask right into his eyes.

"Take me to your queen," he roared.

Ace shook. Vader sensed his fear and felt himself smile. This was the way it should be, even if [Name] wouldn't allow him such an indulgence. In time, he decided, he would deal with her insolence.

"The queen is away on business, Lord Vader. As I understand it your business here is with a rebel. Ace will show you to your room."

Ace stared at [Name], not wishing to escort the Emperor's right hand. People had been known not to return from such trips.

"Finata, you will tell your queen that I expect her to be in my company no later than sundown. [Last Name], you will take me to my room," he thundered. The woman's response smacked of impertinence.

[Name] shrugged and turned on her heels.

"Then follow me," she said, with a toss of her hair.

To Vader, this sounded like an order. His men looked nervously at each other then at Vader who faced them with his back. Without turning around, he barked "Mind your posts!" The mask on his face whistled in frustration.

[Name] turned, her eyebrows raised.

"Are you okay, Lord Vader?" She dared herself to look at him. The mask he wore gasped.

"You will speak only when spoken to, [Last Name]. You will also address me as 'Your Lordship' from henceforth. Are we clear?"

"Yes- your Lordship."

She said it as though the words left a bad taste in her mouth. The Sith Lord was displeased.

They walked.

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