The Dream

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Chapter 3: Summer Diggory

Classes started a week ago and for the first time in three years, I feel like I fit in. Cheryl and I seem to get along well. Our friendship started when she asked me to study with her. I said yes, and I'm glad I did. Hermione asked me yesterday if we could hang out after Defence Against The Dark Arts, because we have a free period then.

I was a little surprised when she asked that, we never really hung out before, only when I'm with Neville and she just appears to be there. She would also be a great study partner I realise. No, I finally made another friend than Angela in Slytherin and I'm not going to screw that up.

When our new Professor, named Lupin, tells us that we can go, I walk over to Hermione who's talking to Ron and Harry. As always. She greets me friendly.

'Hey Summer, I'm almost ready here and then we can go'. I just nod and say that I'll wait but Ron starts a conversation. 'I didn't know you two hang out. When did that happen?' I don't know what to tell them. I've always liked Ron because I thought he's funny and kind but now I just feel unimportant. Do they think it's weird I hang out with Hermione? Harry interrupts my thoughts.

'Why wouldn't they hang out together. I'm glad you two finally have become friends', he smiles at me and I glance at him. 'I'm glad too', Hermione says. 'Okay, I've packed my last book we can go Summer', she turns around expecting that I follow her and I do after saying goodbye to the boys she left behind.

I walk a little faster until I can keep up with her and see in the corner of my eye Draco standing against the wall in the hallway. He looks upset, staring at the ground with a blurry gaze in his eyes. I should not even care. Hermione takes place at a bench in the hall and pulls a book out of her bag.

'I think you should read this', she simply says pointing the book at me. I'm amazed, is that what she wanted to talk about? A book. Is she serious? I take it from her and read the title: 'Pride and Prejudice' from Jane Austen. I'm sure my face seems a bit surprised when I look up at her.

'This is a muggle-book', I say waving it. 'I know!' She says stirred and then continues: 'I brought this book from home, I do that every year with around ten to fifteen books'. I laugh a little nervous. 'Why? We have a whole library at school.'

She sighs. 'Yes, again I know, but I just thought maybe you wanted to read this book. It's very good, you won't regret it.' I like reading books, but I still don't know why she wants me to read this one. 'I promise', she says hopeful. After a short silence I turn the book to read the back. I have to say that it sounds great. 'Fine, if you want me to I'll give it a chance', I say while giving her a smile.

'I'm glad to hear that', she says extremely pleased with herself. I don't want to be rude and ask her why she wants to become friends after two years of barely talking, so I don't ask. She goes on talking about our new teacher, Professor Lupin, but I get distracted when I see Draco screaming to Pansy. Why are they in a fight? I thought they were as good as married. In a way of speaking.

Pansy waves her arms around, hitting a first year on accident. Poor thing. After that she takes off even more pissed and leaves Draco behind, still standing in the same place with the same look on his face. What is going on?

Hermione takes me out of my gaze by snapping her fingers before me. I look at her and realise I probably have missed all of the things she was saying to me and feel immediately guilty.

'I'm sorry', I say, still not quite in reality. 'It's okay', she turns around and looks at the place where I was staring at, she glances at Draco and back at me.

'Summer, I've heard what happened the first day of school this year and I do feel sorry', she begins. 'I mean, I have never liked Draco in the first place but to do something like that is just cruel. I can't believe you didn't let Professor Dumbledore get him punished. I know that's not my choice but that's just my opinion', she looks almost worried.

Summer Diggory - 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜 𝑀𝒶𝓁𝒻𝑜𝓎Where stories live. Discover now