He Likes You

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Chapter 8: Draco Malfoy

In the morning I'm more awake than usual and I wonder why. Without wasting time I step out of bed and put my clothes on. It's still early so I have enough time to wear something else than my uniform. When I look in the mirror next to my desk I realise that not only Summer looks different without her uniform, me too.

With the black pants and my black sweater I look like a younger version of my father. It scares me so I change the black sweater for a grey one with under it, a white collar. In the common room everything is silent, except for a few students who have fallen asleep on the couch, I am the only one here.

I won't lie to myself, I was hoping Summer would be here, that's the only reason I brought our notebook with me. I take a seat at the round table in the corner and read her sentence.

'How can we start a new beginning when our pasts are haunting us.'

She's hurting. I can't only tell by her words but also by the way her handwriting looks like she was shaking. I keep staring at the page for a few minutes and think about what I could write next. Again, this assignment looks stupid but if this is what it takes to be friends with her, I can do it.

I want to talk to her. How long can she stay in her room? Pansy walks downstairs with the girl she was fighting last evening, only now they seem best friends. She doesn't pay attention to me and I am glad.

The common room gets busier with every minute and I should go to breakfast. Eventually, I stand up and at that same moment I see Angela, Summer's roommate, coming down the stairs. I walk over to her and when she looks surprised at me I feel like a stupid idiot.

'Is Summer still in her room?' I ask a little tense. She smiles a little, probably because she knows how helpless I am.

'I'm sorry, but she's been away for a few hours'. Angela gives a last look and tries to walk past me but I stop her. 'How long? I've been sitting here for at least an hour.' She takes a step back and raises her shoulders.

'I don't know, she wanted to talk with someone before the Quidditch practice from Gryffindor started, I guess.' I look a little stunned at her and when I don't answer she adds unsure: 'they are training today.' She says it in a way as if I'm a toddler who doesn't understand a thing. I just nod and she walks away.

I should put my uniform on I realise so I hurry upstairs again, leaving the book behind when I'm done. With Crabbe and Goyle I walk to the Great Hall for breakfast but at the door I stand still. At the Gryffindor table is a whole empty spot and Summer is nowhere at our table.

Without saying a thing I turn around and walk outside. If she is at that Quidditch practice I need to see her.

(time skip)

Chapter 8: Summer Diggory

'Fred! Stop hitting your brother, this isn't a game!' Oliver yells towards his team.

'Actually, it is a game!' Fred shouts back and both the Weasley twins laugh. I smile a little, not sure what I'm doing here. Oliver sighs and I know he feels as uncomfortable as I, but I spend the night lying awake about our fight. I need my friend.

'I hope it is okay for you that I am here', I sound a little nervous and he notices. 'You did nothing wrong. I got angry for no reason.' He doesn't look at me and that is why I know that he's not feeling good about this situation. 'Please, don't say that. You were right. I always lie but not because I don't trust you'. I go stand before him because I want to read his facial expression.

'I know that being abandoned from my family isn't an excuse, but it's part of why I am who I am.' He interrupts me. 'I know, it's okay I already told you that.'

Summer Diggory - 𝒟𝓇𝒶𝒸𝑜 𝑀𝒶𝓁𝒻𝑜𝓎Where stories live. Discover now