Chapter twenty two | The cold shoulder

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"Come again?"

"You're dying? What do you mean you're dying?"

"Don't change the subject! You've known that she was my daughter this entire time and you've only decided to tell me now?!" Toni scolded in disbelief running her fingers through her hair as she began to pace.

"It's not like we've been talking to each other... what do you mean you're dying? Explain that to me-"

"I punched my daughter..." Toni trailed off beginning to cry.

"Why did you say you're dying?!" Kenny yelled out in frustration.

Her ignoring his questions made him grow even more angrier.

"Kenneth! Don't you dare raise your voice at me ever again. You've known that Savannah was my daughter this entire time and now you choose to talk." Toni said in disbelief trying to process everything.

"This is too much for me." Toni shook her head placing her hand over her heart. "Toni!" Kenny panicked.

The room began to spin as her vision became blurry, suddenly the feeling in her legs dissolved making her hit the ground and black out.

"Thanks doc." Toni heard Kenny say.

She looked around the room, knowing exactly where she was. This place was being her second home. She let out a breathe as Kenny came into her room.

"So are you gonna tell me why you said you're dying or do I need to go ask your doctor-"

"I don't owe you any explanations." She impersonated him looking away from him.

"Dammit Toni! This is the reason why you're in here in the first place, there's still so many secrets. Our whole relationship is covered in lies." Kenny sighed running his hand down his face.

"I'm sorry." She cried.

"I'm sorry doesn't make it right."

"I'm so sorry." She added grabbing his hand taking it into hers. "I never wanted things to be like this, I didn't think about your feelings when I cheated on you. Please Ken-"

"Toni please..."

"No. I'd get down on my knees and ask you to forgive me if I had too. I love you Ken." She pleaded holding tightly onto his hand.

"Please forgive me Ken. Ken I love you!" She cried.

He frowned staring at her as he breathed heavily.

"I'm sorry. But I- I don't know how to forgive you." Kenny said shaking his head making her frown.

He wanted to, but her betrayal was beyond that.

"I'm sorry, but I just can't understand how we were together for so long and yet it never once crossed your mind to tell me about your infidelity-"

"I was afraid of this! Of losing you! Like I am now-"

"So you decided to keep lying to me about it? I asked you if you ever cheated on me before and what did you tell me? You looked me right in my eyes and lied to me." He spat in disbelief.

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