Chapter 11: I don't care if you don't

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I walk over to Sadie's. It's about five. It's still quite light out. I packed my duffel bag fairly quickly, wanting to leave my house, I haven't had a sleep over since school started: It had been with Andrew and Trevor. It hadn't ended too well. Trevor had wanted to sneak out and go TP a teacher's house. I had protested, but he had dragged me out anyway. And, like I had said, we got busted. We were all suspended for three days and had detention for a week. I hated Trevor for it. And he hated me for supposedly not "talking him out of it." Even he knows that no one can talk him out of anything, he's so full of it. I roll my eyes to myself and walk up to Sadie's porch. I knock. I can hear her shout, "I'll get it." She opens the door and smiles. I have absolutely no idea what we are supposed to do at a sleepover. Especially with her step-mom, Samantha, and Drake in the other rooms.

"Hey, come on in." I smile and walk into her house and, although I'd seen the outside almost every day, I had never seen the inside before. It was huge. Her Dad obviously made a good amount of money. The house was decorated with nice things, nicer than my house, it made me uncomfortable. She yells down the hallway to her step-mom, "Davy's here Patricia." And I here and exasperated sigh followed by an, "Okay." I cover a chuckle with a cough. Sadie leads me up the stairs to her bedroom. She closes the door behind us and bursts into laughter.

"Patricia was so mad that you were coming over, but Samantha vouched for me. Patricia never says no to Samantha." She says in between laughs.

"Wait. Since when is Samantha nice to you, let alone vouching for you?"

"Right, I didn't tell you?"

"Nope, you didn't, I guess today was kinda busy." I laugh and she begins to tell me what happened earlier, before she came swimming.

"Woah, that's pretty intense." I say, she nods. "How do you feel about this?"

"I am actually quite relieved," She says. She sighs. Then, changing the topic, she adds, "what do you wanna do?"

"I don't really know," I say. I'd like to finish that kiss, but I can't say that. "Got any ideas?"

"Nope." She answers. I wonder what she's thinking, if she wants to finish the kiss? Suddenly I remember,

"We could listen to Greta Van Fleet?" I say, a grin widening on my face. She smiles and nods. I get out my phone and turn on the music. I pick my favorite song, Highway Tune. I begin playing an air guitar. She laughs and falls back on her bed. We keep laughing until there's a knock on the door.

"Who is it?" Sadie asks.


"Come in." Samantha opens the door and walk sin. She plops herself right in front of on the floor. At least she didn't sit between me and Sadie. I think. She gives us that "hope you're having fun in here" look and says,

"Sooooo, what have you guys been doing in here?"

"Just listening to music and talking." Sadie smiles, innocently, that's when I realize, through her fake-innocence, that she wanted to finish the kiss too. Now I want Sam to leave. And she probably would if she knew why, from that smile she has on her face.

"So, how was swimming?" Sam asked as if she knew exactly what had happened.

"It was fine?" I say, but it sounds more like a question than an answer. I glance at Sadie, she looks like she's about laugh at me. She leans over to my ear, seeing my concern and whispers, "I don't care if she knows if you don't?" 

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