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★ real life ★

i sat in the middle of the backseat of rory's car listening to kat complain about something while i tried to find a song to play. we were on our way to the mall, probably to just goof around and walk around out of boredom like normal.

when we arrived to the mall, kat and i booked it straight to the food court after rory parked the car. this was an annual thing, anytime we went to the mall together kat and i would go straight to chick-fil-a leaving rory in the car aggravated that we left him.

"you guys are assholes." rory huffed as he approached kat and i as we stood in line to order our food. "rory, we do this everytime." kat giggled, i swear she likes rory.

rory just rolled his eyes but ended up cracking a smile, showing he couldn't stay mad at either of us. once we grabbed our food, we walked around the food court until we found a table that was empty and didn't have food or trash scattered over it. some people are truly disgusting if they can't just clean up after themselves and throw away their trash in a public area. it didn't take us that long to eat our food and leave the food court due to a group of older men who sat near us, who kept staring at kat who almost said something to them.

"okay is it just me or are people yelling?" kat asked as another loud echo erupted throughout the mall.

"i wouldn't say they're screaming but they're having fun, that's for sure." i said almost choking as i took a sip of my drink when i saw a group that looked familiar.

"guys, turn around now." i said, facing my back towards the group.

"what why?" kat said really loud, most likely gaining their attention. "fuck, oh!" she said again turning and grabbing my wrist walking off leaving a confused rory standing by himself.

"that was them wasn't it?" she said in a teasing tone as we stood near a vending machine that was placed near an escalator.

"yes.." i trailed off when i saw two boys approaching kat and i. a big smile came across my face when i realized the other two boys weren't with them, making this experience a lot more enjoyable.

"hi cookie!" robert said as he latched his arms around my shoulders, as he was too tall to place them anywhere else.

"you're short, just like me!" kairi said in a teasing tone as he latched his arms around my waist on the other side of me.

"what are you guys doing here?" i asked, my smile never leaving my face.

"well mattia wanted to-" he started but i cut him off as i saw mattia and alejandro getting closer to where we were. "sorry kai, i really have to go!" i said not giving him a chance to respond and walking towards kat and rory who had made his way over here at some point.

"guys we really have to go." i said grabbing both their wrists and pulling them along behind me.

"wait why?" rory whined, "because mattia and his friends are here and i don't want to meet mattia." i said still pulling them to the entrance we came in at.

"how are you supposed to get him to like you if you won't even talk to him?" kat asked as we got outside, "i don't know, i didn't even have a problem seeing kairi or robert like i wasn't nervous at all but when i saw mattia, well if you couldn't tell i just wanted to run and hide." i rambled as we reached rory's car.

"and you don't think kairi or robert well tell him that they saw you?" rory questioned as we got in the car.

"shit, oh great." i mumbled, "now he's going to really think i dislike him."

"hopefully not." kat said as rory began to pull out of his parking spot, heading to our houses.

i hoped kairi and robert would just keep their mouths shut about this encounter but i knew it was very unlikely. especially when i stepped into my house and received a notification.

mattia polibio is typing...
you have a message from mattia polibio!

madds talk 🍒 !
y'all not meeting mattia that fast, oopsies 🤪
also i haven't done like half my online assignments so, there's that. it is what it is i guess.

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