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"no, you care because you like me."

"i-i don't like you." i scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest as he let out a chuckle.

"so is that why you have a group chat with kairi, alvaro, and robert about me?" he teased making my cheeks flush a bright red as i avoided his gaze.

"shut up." i mumble now looking at my feet, i honestly want to leave and avoid this whole situation.

i could hear him stand up, walking towards me before he places his pointer finger up my chin making me look at him.

"so we're shy now?" he asks, licking his lips as he peered down at me.

i didn't know how to react or respond, so i just kept looking in his lust-filled eyes. it was only a matter of seconds before he placed his lips on mine softly and my eyes fluttered shut. i felt myself kiss back before i realized what i was doing and pushed him away.

"why did you do that?" i asked, flustered.

"why do you keep sending me mixed signals?" he asked ignoring my question.

"me? how am i sending you mixed signals?" i huffed, "you were just talking mad shit about me on your spam and then kissed me?"

"and you kissed back?" he retorted, still looking down at me with his arms crossed over his chest.

"i think i should leave." i mumbled walking towards his door but he grabbed my wrist yanking me back towards him.

"you don't need to leave," he whined, "look i'm sorry i didn't tell you i was trying to fix things with lena and i'm sorry what i said about you on my spam okay? i didn't mean what i was saying." he rambled trying to defend himself.

"look mattia," i sighed, "i don't want to be the person you use to get over lena or whatever because i honestly don't know how long it's been since you quit talking or if you even have."

"i quit talking to her the day that we talked on snapchat, i swear." he said still in a whiny tone.

"mm, so what about jenna?" i asked making his face drop in response, "what does she have to do with any of this?" he asked confused.

"you were still talking to lena when you had sex with her." i stated, removing my wrist from his grasp.
"if you actually want to pursue something with me, then you need to figure your shit out and actually get to know me, but until then i'm going to leave." i said, walking out of his room and up the stairs before he could respond.

i quickly made it out of his house and to my car, just wanting to leave. i was embarrassed because the more i thought about what i said, the more i realized i just assumed he wanted to pursue a relationship with me.

i called kat once again on my drive home, ranting to her about the situation which she thought was funny. she told me that i was overreacting and that she was sure he probably does like me or he wouldn't have taken the time to explain himself. does she realize i have never had anything close to a relationship? obviously i am overreacting because i don't know how to react.

once i got home, i shot straight into the house kicking off my shoes and going straight to my room.
i sat my lanyard on my vanity and flopped onto my bed, getting my phone out of my pocket deciding to get on tiktok.

it wasn't long before i felt myself doze off.

madds talk 🍒
i know you guys don't read these so sucks for y'all, you have no idea what's gonna go on in the next two chapters lol. :)

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