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"well... what?" i asked looking at him as his famous smirk grew bigger.

"i was just thinking...maybe you could do me a favor." he said as i immediately shook my head no.

"mattia if whatever you're thinking is sexual, absolutely not." i said making him huff and roll his eyes like a child.

"i mean after, if he is cheating...i could show you a good time." he said, a weird feeling in my stomach erupted as i felt my cheeks heat up.

"no." i mumbled, turning forward in my seat and starting the car.

"you're reaction didn't seem like a no, ava." he teased.

i ignored him, beginning to back out of the parking spot we were in when i felt his hand on my thigh. of course of all days, i had shorts on.

"mattia stop." i said trying to move his hand but it he wasn't budging.

"i mean, you could do me a favor once y'all break up." he said, giving my thigh a light squeeze.

"mattia, please i'm not trying to get in trouble with alejandro."

"fine, but we both know that's not what you really want." he said removing his hand as i just re ran what he said through my head multiple times. how would he knows what i want, when i don't even know what i want.

"mattia aren't you still talking to cynthia?" i asked as we pulled out of the parking lot, getting on the main road.

"no, i quit talking to her a few days ago." he said sounding kinda bummed.

"oh." was all i could really manage to say.

"don't tell alejandro that i slapped your you know.." mattia trailed off.

"didn't plan on it, he will just blame me anyways." i said, hearing mattia shift in his seat.

"why would he blame you? you didn't even do anything?" he asked as i glanced at him.

"because i told him you wouldn't do anything and well, you did." i said. mattia didn't say anything and shifted back in his seat, facing forward.

it wasn't long before we arrived back out mattia's house, mattia darting out of the car and into the house. i sat in the car for a while looking at people's stories on snapchat before there was a little knock on my window making me jump. i turned to see alvaro laughing as he recorded me prompting me to flip off the camera.

i turned the car off, opened the door and hopped out of the car. "dude your reaction was so funny!" alvaro said still laughing as he stuffed his phone in his pocket.

"you know why would be funny? when i hit you with my lanyard." i joked, locking the car before swinging my lanyard around.

"oh hell no." he laughed as his eyes went wide, shooting towards the house as i ran after him. i shut the front door behind me and continued chasing him around the house until he went down the stairs. as i followed him down the stairs i ran into someone making us both fall on the ground with a thud.

"damn, did you miss me that much?" alejandro joked but it came out more as a grunt as i had knocked the air out of him.

"sorry." i said getting up and helping him up in the process, "where did he go?" i asked looking around mattia's room when i heard a squawk emit from behind mattia, revealing alvaro latched onto his back.

"bro you're so lame." i huffed at alvaro as both mattia and him laughed, while i went and sat down on the couch in between alejandro and roshaun.

"hii." alejandro said dragging out the 'i' as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and pulled me into his side. "hi." i said leaning more into his side getting comfortable when i made eye contact with mattia. he made a fake gagging face but quit when alejandro looked directly at him.

"so what'd guys do?" alejandro asked out loud, getting everyone's attention.

"we ate tacobell?" mattia said but it came out more as a question knowing what alejandro was trying to do.

"for almost two hours?" he questioned.

"well we drove around for a while because mattia couldn't pick where he wanted to eat." i said which wasn't a lie, he did take forever.

"plus she would stop talking about you, 'good boyfriend this', 'good boyfriend that,' i thought it would never end." mattia lied shooting me a half smile while alejandro let out a chuckle.

"well it's good she thinks that because i try." alejandro said as he leaned down and kissed the the top of my head making me smile. however as soon as i saw mattia's slight frown my smile dropped. it was a weird feeling.

the rest of the time we spent at mattia's house, Alejandro wouldn't leave my side unless he had to use the bathroom and vice versa. i knew when we left, he would say something to me but i was as just hoping he wouldn't since alvaro would be with us the entire time since he's staying at alejandro's.

madds talk 🍒
i haven't proof read this chapter yet but we hit 100k views wtf! we were literally at 40k like what? a week ago??
also do y'all want me to give alejandro one more good chapter or should i kill him off 👹 ? jk i'm not killing him off, just there relationship lol. i could could make them have sexc time or wait for her to do it with mattia, but y'all gotta tell me what y'all want. you deciding the next chapter lol :)

this is sad , look how good looking he is 🦋

i take what i said about alejandro back , he's on my hit list now

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i take what i said about alejandro back , he's on my hit list now


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LIKE IM ON EVERYONES BUT HIS, EVEN FUCKINH HECTOR AND SEB AND DEREK AND ANNE AND I DONT EVEN PAY ATTENTION TO THEM lol i am pressed. we are feeding maryssa to the dogs along with alejandro

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