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two days after the breakup ;)

"mattiiiii!" i squealed as he threw me over his shoulders and started spinning around, "you're gonna make me sick!" i managed to get out through my laughter.

"say you'll go on a date with me and i'll put you down." he said still spinning around, laughing at the squeals coming out of my mouth.

"put me down first." i said, slowly being taken off off his shoulders, almost stumbling when my feet hit the ground from how dizzy i was.

"come on, please? just one date." he whined placing his hands on my hips as he looked down at me.

"i-i can't,  it's only been two days since alejandro and i broke up, okay?" i said, looking back up at him as he groaned in response. "you know, you could just say you don't like me." he said removing his hands from my hips and flopping down onto his bed so that he was looking up at the ceiling.

"it's not even like that." i said walking towards his bed, "mattia, look at me." i said sitting down beside him but he continued looking at the ceiling.

"mattiii." i whined trying time get his attention as he turned his head away from me. i huffed in response and moved so that i was straddling his lap. "if you don't wanna talk to me, i can just leave." i said looking down at him as he turned his head to look at me. he sat up a little wrapping his arms around my torso before laying back down, pulling me so that i was laying against his chest. "i just want you to be mine." he mumbled, placing a kiss on top of head.

i didn't respond and just laid there, enjoying the warmth from his embrace. i kept replaying what he said in my head ' i just want you to be mine.' as i wanted the same thing too. the problem is i don't think he really means that, i mean it's not like he was loyal with lena or cynthia in the slightest and i don't want to deal with that again.

"i think the boy's are back." he groaned as he sat up, his arms still around my torso not letting me move from his grasp. "mm, so maybe let me up?" i said trying to get up.

his hands moved down to my hips holding me still, "don't move around like that." he said in a low tone making me stop all my movement, knowing what had just happened.

"okay, let me up." i said, as he removed his hands and got up of his lap and stood up from the bed.

"don't look at me like that, it's your fault you were the one moving around." he groaned, as his cheeks were flushed pink from embarrassment.

"me? i didn't purposely try to give you a b-" i said but was cut of when roshaun and alvaro bursted into the room, the other boys trailing behind them.

"woah! mattia why do you have boner?" alvaro said laughing as mattia groaned and threw a pillow nailing alvaro in the chest making him stumble back into roshaun.

"cause i walked into the room." kairi joked as he walked past me and jumped onto the bed.

"bruh, did we interrupt something?" alejandro asked wiggling his eyebrows at mattia and i.

"god no, stop being so dirty minded." i said with a straight face but ended up smiling when he just nodded his head 'like yeah right'.

"ooo, guys let's go live." robert said as he flopped on the bed next to kairi. "on who's account?" roshaun asked.

"mine." mattia said reaching for his phone he sat on the top of his headboard earlier. "alright everyone on the bed." mattia said as everyone darted on to the bed not leaving any room for me.

"thanks guys." i joked as they all tried to move and make room but it didn't work. "just sit on my lap." mattia suggested like it was nothing.

"fine, but don't get any ideas." i said climbing up onto the bed and onto his lap.

mattia started the live and handed kairi his phone since he was in the middle. "hi guys!" kairi said ecstatically as he watched the views continue growing. the boys started answer random questions people were asking sometimes asking me random questions as well.

i pulled my phone out of my pocket and allowed it to scan my face, before going on instagram. i started scrolling through my feed for a while before growing bored and started liking edits or random posts people would tag me in.

"someone said, i want something like mattia and ava had." kairi said making me look up, seeing the camera point towards us. i hadn't even noticed mattia had wrapped his arms around my waist or that his chin was resting on my shoulder and i was leaning into him. i could feel my cheeks heat up as i looked back down at my phone seeing it blow up with notifications. most of them were on instagram with pictures from mattia and i from the live.

"kairi my phones literally going to explode." i said showing him all the notifications that were popping up, hearing a small chuckle come from mattia. he was clearly enjoying this.

"well, it's cute." alvaro commented pointed to me and mattia.

"okay, i think we're gonna get off of here." mattia said grabbing his phone from kairi, waving bye at the camera before ending it.

madds talk 🍒
this is the only way i can describe how the group was sitting? idk bruh i am def not and artist but if you use your imagination, it totally makes sense. but this chapter is just like building up there 'friendship' so :)

 but this chapter is just like building up there 'friendship' so :)

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bye bye hope you enjoyed my illustration.

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