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kat🌸 has renamed the group chat to kai tried to slide in my dm's !

open group chat?
yes | no

i did not.

screenshots bud
tiktok room here i come :)

matti <3
now who's the problematic one?

still you lmao
ava's lucky none of you are smart enough to search her up on tiktok

i leave for an hour
and you do this for what?

matti <3
i am about to find it

me too

aight chill tf out
i deleted it so sucks for y'all 🤪

matti <3
bruh why
i wanted to make fun of you 🥺

exactly that reason

matti <3
i can't face time anymore:/
something came up, sorryy

it's fine!

oo so ava ft me then
because i have something to tell you !!

um i want to be included!

me 3
i'm always left out :(

sorry ale :(
not intentionally i swear
i'll call you three in a bit


okay okay

matti <3
so anyways
we're all still meeting up on saturday right?
cause i might be late.

dude roberts supposed to pick you up?
why would you be late?

matti <3
because kairi
it's not that big of a deal

so how are you gonna get there then?

matti <3
i don't know?
i'll have someone else take me

okay so we're still all going to meet up then so it's fine?

matti <3

leave group chat?

face time kairi?

"hi ava!" kairi screeched as soon as the call connected making me yelp in surprise.

"kai i have my airpods in." i whined as i turned my volume down, my ears still hurting.

"oopsies, anyways do you know why mattia's being so weird? " he questioned as leaned my back against my headboard, placing my computer in my lap.

"i don't know honestly, he was fine before i went to go eat and know he won't answer like any of my texts unless it's in the group chat." i said picking up my phone and letting it scan my face. "like.. look, i asked him what came up and he just left me on read so i was like okay whatever and then i sent him something else because i just thought it was funny but then he just left me on read once again so i just kind of let it be." i said holding my phone up to camera so kairi could attempt to read it.

"weird.." he said letting out a small giggle at the end, "that text was kinda funny though."

"right?" i said sitting my phone down beside me.

"here, i'll add alejandro and see if he knows and if he doesn't then we just add robert and kat and don't mention him." kairi suggested and i just gave a small nod in response.

we waited a minute before alejando's face appeared, him smiling per usual.

"wow i'm surprised i have been added to call." alejandro joked.

"oh hush, do you know why mattia's act so weird?" kairi asked.

"yeah um, i'm pretty sure cynthia messaged him again but i don't know for sure." alejandro said making me frown.

"what do you mean you're not sure? like did he hint at it or .." i asked genuinely curious, i don't even know who cynthia is.

"well he posted it on his spam but then i commented on it and he removed me so.." he explained.

"well let's see if he removed me." i said, grabbing my phone and letting it scan my face once again.

i opened the instagram app and went to the little search icon looking up his spam user.

"yeah he had me blocked on my spam but i'm gonna check on my main." i mumbled.

i then switched accounts and searched his spam up with my main account.

"dumbass didn't block my main account." i said hearing kairi groan.

"he blocked both of mine, he probably forgot you even had a main account because you practically live on your spam." kairi point out.

"yeah true," i said clicking on his most recent post. "so should i be hurt, upset, both or neither? because he posted a picture of i guess him and cynthia of face time and captioned it 'couldn't imagine being on face time with anyone else.'"

"he has to be like doing it as a joke right? because he said he didn't even associate with her anymore." kairi said mainly talking to alejandro who didn't even know how to respond.

"wait, i bet that's why he's gonna be late to the mall because they're probably gonna meet up." alejandro said making me groan at the thought of it.

"well if that's the case and he brings her or some shit, kat and i will be dipping." i said.

"um, then the rest of us are going with you because those two together are so annoying." kairi said.

i didn't respond and just added kat and robert to the call. eventually i ended up forgetting about mattia and cynthia, just talking about random thoughts all of us had in the call. the more i think about, i mainly talked to alejandro the whole call.

madds talk 🍒
i need more drama to happen so that's what this is. also people keep telling me to update my tony book and i'm just like :| because the motivation to do that is no where to be seen. like i have tried numerous times and i can't and then they all get pissy with me. oopsies. also i just want to be friends with people and i- how?

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