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the six boys were currently squished into ava's car as she drove them to the nearest airport. to say they were sad that two of them were departing from the group to go back home was an understatement. it wasn't like they would never see each other again, it's just the fact they wouldn't see two of their best friends in person everyday bothered them. a long-distance relationship but with your best friends is how the group likes to describe it and considering they all still had school, it'd be a couple of months before the group reunites.

alejandro and robert were the saddest to see their friends leave, having the strongest relationship with the two. and although the group would never say anything, they believed alejandro was a little more attached to alvaro than a friend would be but that's not the point.

"we're here." ava said barely above a whisper, not wanting to crack in front of the boys. sure, she hasn't known them for very long but it still hurt her knowing they were leaving as she had formed a close bond with the two.

the six boys and one girl slowly removed themselves from the car, grabbing luggage and whatnot before heading towards the entrance of the airport. mattia had stuck to ava's side the majority of the walk as he felt most comfortable with her. not that he wasn't comfortable with the boys but he just felt the urge to cry if he was near them so he stayed away.

the boys had a tendency to be late to everything so when they entered the building, they realized they only had around ten minutes to get more than halfway across the building. the group started sprinting in the direction of the departing gate, hoping they would have enough time to at least say their goodbyes.

"flight to florida from new jersey is departing in five minutes!" a voice over the speaker called out as the group arrived at the gate. (i have literally never been to an airport so idk what they say.)

"stop looking at me like that or i'm going to cry." alejandro mumbled at alvaro who was just staring at him while slouching.

"this sucks, i really don't want y'all to leave." kairi said fiddling with his hoodie strings to distract himself but he already had a few stray tears falling down his cheeks.

"i feel like i'm in a breakup or something." ava said in a joking tone trying to lighten the mood, which surprisingly worked for the boys as they all let out a small genuine laugh.

roshaun turned to mattia with a serious look, "you better treat her right." he said before cracking a smile. "yeah or we're gonna come back and beat your ass." alvaro said trying to sound intimidating but it didn't work in the slightest.

mattia rolled his eyes at the two but laughed, stating if he doesn't that they could beat him up causing the rest of the group to laugh. however, their laughter was cut short when another announcement came through the intercom. the group groaned in response but started saying their goodbyes one at a time, some hugs lasting longer than others.

the group watched the two boys walk towards their exit until they could no longer see them, before walking towards the exit they came in at. kairi and ava exchanged a look as they noticed the distance alejandro had created between the group and himself. what they didn't notice was how tightly he had his jaw clenched or how much he had been chewing on his bottom lip to keep himself from exploding. the poor boy simply just missed his friend way more than he had intended to but the day prior to this, something had just clicked in him while he and alvaro were hanging out without the rest of the group.

"hey," ava said softly as she had finally caught up to the boy that only spared her a small glance, "you don't have to talk, just thought you could use some company."

"can you and kai come over after you drop the others off, i really need to talk to someone." he said, his voice cracking at the end. ava nodded, unaware of how the boy was feeling but of course she was willing to listen to his problems. they are friends after all.

madds talk 🍒
sorry i just want alevaro and i can't add mairi because well, i'm sure you can clearly see why.

also if you saw the '🥺' and didn't go read or vote on my robert book you suck ass. i simply can not vibe with y'all.

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but, anyways sharing this because i thought it was funny

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but, anyways sharing this because i thought it was funny

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