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"you ready?" mattia asked as we had been sitting in the car for a few minutes, already at our designation.

i slowly nodded taking the keys out of the ignition and opening my door, making sure i had everything i need before stepping down onto the pavement. i shut the door, meeting mattia on the side walk and walking towards the house. the music grew louder along with the smell of weed and alcohol increased in the air the closer we got.

the door swung open as we stepped on the porch revealing a tall boy with curly dirty blonde hair, a wide smile plastered on his face and a red solo cup in his left hand. "ah mattia and ava, i'm so glad you could make it!" he says moving out of the door way, allowing us to walk in.

"sebastien you know we won't miss one of you party's." mattia said doing a little bro handshake with him. "mhm, roshaun already told me you would have been coming if it was for ava." he said making me giggle.

"well, we're here now." mattia said, slight annoyance in his voice. "right, well the drinks are over there," he said point in the direction of the kitchen, "and if you need me i'll probably be somewhere near the beer pong table." he said before walking towards that direction.

"are you good?" i asked looking up at mattia who just flashed me a smile and nodded. "let's go get a drink." he said interlacing our hands together and guiding me towards the drinks.

as we reached the counter, we looked at all the kinds of alcohols being offered before looking at each other. "i don't think i have ever seen anything on this table besides the vodka." mattia said making me giggle at his statement but agree. the alcohols on the table all appeared to be fancy, not things you would see at a high school party. we both decided to just drink the vodka, not wanting to risk going with any of the others.

i took a sip out of the red solo cup mattia handed me, almost gagging at the taste and burning sensation that went down my throat. "stop laughing at me, this is like only my second time drinking." i mumbled feeling embarrassed as mattia shook his head and continued laughing.

"oh come on," he teased taking a sip of his having no reaction to the bitter taste, "you're just a little baby." he said slinging his arm around my shoulder.

"whatever." i said trying to sound annoyed but there was a big smile plastered on my face as i was just simply enjoying his company.

i continued to sip on my drink as mattia pulled me around with him to talk with some of his friends and just some random people that he knew from others. mattia and i both finished our drinks, so i went to go refill them after reassuring mattia that it was fine for me to leave his side for five minutes at maximum. as i walked towards the kitchen, someone bumped into my shoulder lightly as they appeared not to be paying the slightest attention.

"oh i'm sor- oh it's just you." rory said as i rolled my eyes at him and continued my way towards the kitchen, feeling him follow me. "what do you want rory?" i asked as i sat mine and mattia's cups down, looking at rory who leaned against the counter looking at me.

"can i not just check how my friends night is going?" he asked, slightly slurring on his words while taking another sip of his drink.

"we're not friends, especially not after the shit you pulled in the library." i said pouring vodka in the two red cups in front of me.

"oh come on ava," he said, moving so that he was towering over me. "look at me." he said in a sharp tone startling me, making me look up at him out of fear. he leaned down, placing his lips on mine in a quick movement when i saw mattia storm off in the corner of my vision.

madds talk 🍒
part two sometime later, i'm tired :/
also i wanted to share this picture that was sent in the group chat by one one of the girls, who i won't name just because idk if she wants me to share her name lol.

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but also i saw this picture and almost shit (being dramatic) myself because it was funny

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but also i saw this picture and almost shit (being dramatic) myself because it was funny

he really said >

I FORGOT TO ASK, what are your opinions on apple juice????

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I FORGOT TO ASK, what are your opinions on apple juice????

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