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We are all shock in kurapika's action a while ago.
" Hey Syn,  i think we should keep kurapika away from a spider. The insects one. " Gon wisperd to me.  And nod on him.  Its been  so long scene the match is finished. Kurapika is sitting at the corner. 

" We should move in the next match now. " leorio said. But the other group dont want to.

" That man is still alive. Its a death match so he most die first before we can move to next match. "one   the of them said.

"  Oy,  kurapika you need to finish that man so we can move in the next match. " leorio said.

" I refuse to fight  a man that lose its will to fight. "  kurapika said, and it make leorio pissed.

" Stop acting selfish. We need you to finish the match now. We already  wasting  so much time in here. "  kurapika did not reply in any of leorio word.

" Fine, Rise your hand if you want kurapika to be banned in this group.  We dont need a selfish man. "  leorio said and rise his hand. We didn't and that make him more pissed. Leorio just walk in the other side and sit there while whispering something in himself.
Time pass and kurapika still refuse to finish the match.
While leorio did not talk to any of us.
I sign and walk forward.

" Hey,  can i check  that man to know if his dead or only unconscious." i said and walk in.

" Syn,  his only unconscious. Observe him carefully." killua whisper before i walk pass to him.  One of the prisoner walk in the stage too.  I put my hand in the man chest. And i feel his heart is still beating.

" maybe we can play a game of luck. just ones."
The prisoner man said next to me.

" I'm interested, what is it?" i ask and look to my Group. They give me worried look.

" Lets bet if this man is dead or just unconscious. If you guess it right your group can have five hour and if you lose
Five years of our prison year will be deducted." he said. So its a fifty-fifty chances.

" I bet this man is already dead. " he said. Well great choice. Dont expect me to bite  your tricks.

" Alright, i bet his just unconscious." i said and look on the man lyin in the floor.

" How are you going to prove that he is just unconscious?"  i smile in his question.

" Its simple. " i say and take two knife in my bag. " im will going to wake him up using this knife. I will throw it to him if he dodged it you will lose." i say.  And i saw that my luck rival smirk.  " Oh and by the way. One of this knife have a poison. Its enough to kill you within one Minute."

Guess what,  luck is in my side. I throw the first knife and the lying man didn't dodge it.
The knife hit him in the arm.  I smile when the sweet start to form in his forehead.
" its the second knife now. Remember, die or reveal the truth. " i said and throw the knife. All of sudden the lying man move.
He jump to dodge my poison knife.

" that was close. " he said.  And i smirk.

" I won. " i said.  And my friend cheer me up.
I look at them and smile.

" Scenes you are already here.  Why not continue  the game." a girl walk and take her cloak off.  Her messy pink hair showed up.

All of sudden i feel chill in my back.  This is not good. I can feel this chill when i know that i dont have a chance to win. I sign. Maybe i can leave this game to leorio.

" Ok then,  scenes you win. I'll  give you a chance to choose  what bet we should play first. " the girl in front of me said.  She look so confident. And i also can feel she have to much trick in her sleeve.

" Ok, so here's the first question. Are we going to change a our group player or not? "

blazing blues ( hunterxhunter kurapika x oc) Where stories live. Discover now