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i wake up because of the ligth hitting my face. I open my eyes and found my self in a room. I look in the clock that is place in the wall.   Its two pm in the afternoon . Wait two pm??  I quickly stand up take a shower and  wear my dark blue uniform. I run in the door and was about to open it. When it open it self.  I thought its was a ghost but it was kurapika.

" Your finally awake Syn." he said and smile.

" Tell me,  did i fell unconscious again?" i said and kurapika nod. 

" I see....wait what happend to the hunter exam?" i said and start to panic. " did they already leave? Are they already in the zevil island? Wait, dont tell me you stay and wait for me to wake up?? " i hold kurapika's shoulder and start to shake him.

" Calm down Syn,  no one leave." i breathe out when he said it and stop shaking him
" But we are actually stock in this island." i look to him confused.

" The airship that is our only way to get in the Zevil island. Is gone.  And the two owner of this hotel is the responsible." i see.... So we are really stock in this island.  I don't know if i feel happy or not.

" i think we should go to the other, they need our help. " kurapika said. And thats what we did.  We reach the outside part of the ship. And we saw some applicant are creating their own boat or ship to leave the island.
Hanzo try to stop them.  But they didn't listen.

" What should we do now Kurapika? " hanzo ask him. 

" we need to find a way how to get in the zevil island. "  kurapika said while thinking.
I wish im smart as him. My brain wont think of any idea. I walk on the other side of the  ship and i saw Gon and killua calling for us.

" Oy,  Kurapika, leorio, Syn.  We can use this. " Gon said while gesturing his hand in the whole ship like hotel.

" Are you kidding me?  This ship are nothing but bunch of metal trash. "  leorio said.

" Oh right, i remember this ship can still work. " i said. I was walking around the ship yesterday when i found a Control room for the whole ship.  And it still work.  After hearing that everyone rush in the control room.  They are busy testing it when Gon poke me from behind.

" Hey Syn look at this. " Gon show to me a book.  Not just normal book but a dairy of past crew of this ship. The date and time was written in there too. But what i read give me some chill.

" Kurapika you should read this." i hand him  the book. And i look in the out side when the wind start to blow strong and the sunset- something is wrong in the sunset.

" Guys look over there. Im i the only one that can see that?" the sun in the horizon are forming some kind of halo in the upper side of sky.  Its creating an image of the two sun intercepting to each other.

" A big storm will come. Warn the other specially those who are trying to leave the island!" kurapika shout.  And all of us run outside to stop them. But its to late.
A tornado mixed with sea water form and start to pull closer all the things in its surrounded. Some of applicant who's in the water with their tiny boat has been pull and end up to their death.

" This ship have a canon we can use those to blow up all the rocks that block our way. " hanzo said.

" i and ponzu will going to fix the mechanical part of ship. Leave the rest to us. "

After the tragic death of the other applicant.
We choose to make a team work and fix the ship. This is our only way to leave this island and survived. I help killua and Gon to  pull out the stock stone under the the ship.
Ones we done in our work we get back in the top part of ship. We saw tonpa and the others in there.

" Gon,  leorio still not coming back after he dive to get some canon bullet. " tonpa said. And we start to worried.

" I'll get him. " i said but Gon stop me.

" I'll go. Killua and hanzo need you more. " i try to refuse but i see determination in Gon eyes. I sign.

" Just be careful  and dont die. " Gon give me a thumbs up before he dive in the strong wave of water.

I found hanzo and killua in the room full of different tube connectng all part of the ship. " We should leave now kurapika. " hanzo said. " Say your command. The storm are getting more strong. We cant make it if we wait  more longer. "

" Wait,  wait for at least a moment. "  i heard kurapika vioce. His worried to Gon and leorio.  I walk out of the room.

" where are you going Syn? " killua ask.

" Im going upstairs. Our captain i mean friend need some cheer up. " i said.

." Do your best. We might end up dead if you didn't."  i heard him said before i run in the captains deck.

When i get in there i saw kurapika his looking in the floor. " I most wait for a moment. " i heard him whisper.
" Gon and leorio they will came back.  You don't need to worry. " i said and walk in.

" Syn. " he look to me and i give him a thumbs up.

" Don't underestimate them. Those two are strong enough to survive from this storm. Unless your thinking that they already dead."  i heard kurapika make a deep breath.

" You are right. "  he said and start  to on the engine. " they will come back.  They are leorio and Gon after all."  we managed to break from those rock thanks to kurapika right calculations. I thought everything is now fine but all of sudden the ship move that cause us to lose our balance.
I fell to the floor and hit my back in the wall.
Thats not hurt so much after all. But kurapika, i saw him hit his head in the wall.

" Kurapika are you alright?" he wont respond. His unconscious. I remeber that no one was controlling the ship.  i was about to take it when i saw someone already have it.  I can see his face but not so clear because his hair are covering it. But whoever he is, thanks to him that everyone is safe now.

blazing blues ( hunterxhunter kurapika x oc) Where stories live. Discover now