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I didn't kill my target. I just beat him up and bring him to leorio and kurapika.

" Here's your number plate leorio." i said and give it to him.

"Tha-Syn  what happend to you?" leorio notice my arm. I forget to clean the wounds.
Now my left arm are cover of blood.

" Did you fight someone else?"  kurapika. Both of them give me a confused look.

" Its nothing. It just happened that i saw the person who target my number plate.  I fought her and shes a monster. " i said and sit in the big root of a tree.

" Nothing?  But you are bleeding. Let me threat your wound. " i let leorio to threat my wound.

" Did you manage to defeat her? " kurapika ask while helping leorio.

" I didn't. But there's a chance that i will fight her again."  after cleaning my wound.
We start to find leorio's target.

" What is her name again leorio? " i ask.

" Tonpa said its ponzu. "

"  You should stop believing in tonpa leorio. He trick us so many times. " i agree in kurapika.

" But i dont think so, that he lie to me in this part. "  leorio. I just listening to them when i saw hisoka not so far away.

" Guys. Where in trouble." i said, that make the two stop in their trail and look in the direction im looking.

" Hisoka. " kurapika whisper. Both of us take our weapon out.

" Hello,  what a coincidence. Its happen that i im here too. "  hisoka say in playful tune.

" sorry but we dont have time to play. " i said. But he only laugh.

" Alright i wont play anymore. But can you give to me your plate number?"  three of us look to each other.  We know that we cant fight hisoka. After all he is more stronger than the girl i fought.

" We cant give to you our plate number. But we have this one that have a one point. Thats the only one we can offer to you.  But if you insist on taking our plate number we don't have any other choice but to fight you. " kurapika said. The three of us breath
out when he agree to take the one point.

" Im leaving it here. " kurapika put the plate number in small hole of tree.  The three of us slowy walk away to hisoka.  I cant help myself but to look at him in the eyes.
His eyes telling something but i dont get it.

----------Time Skip---------

Its the last day of fourth phase. Yet we still didn't see ponzu.  And leorio become problematic with it. We are in the meeting place. We expect to see ponzu here. But shes not here.

" Men,  where is my princess we cant find her anywhere. " leorio's  frustrated vioce echo to my ear.

" Maybe this is where you will going to lose leorio. " i said.  And that make him more problematic.

" Don't say that.  I don't  want to failed."

" But how are we going to find ponzu? " kurapika ask. He is also tired.

" I can help you. I can find her with the smell. " Gon out of nowhere show up. And offer leorio a help. Leorio eyes shine so bright with hope.

" Really Gon?  Thank goodness. I dont know what to do if you're not here. "  tears of joy start to stream down in leorio eyes.

" Stop being dramatic leorio.  Can you do it now gon?  We are out of time. " kurapika said and Gon nod.

Its almost an hour before we found. Where ponzu is. 
" she is In that place. " Gon point out a cave.

" I'll Go you guys can leave. I appreciate all the help and efforts you did to me. " i rise up one of my eyebrows to him.

" Scenes when you become so selfish leorio? "  i said.

" We won't gonna leave you. "  Gon said.

" Will give you thirty minutes. If you dont go out in thirty minutes we will follow you. " kurapika said. And i saw annoyance in leorio face.

" I told you guys can leave. I can handle this by myself. Unless you guys don't trust me. "
Three of us refuse to leorio.

" we trust you thats why we won't gonna leave you behind." Gon said and we agree on him.

" Your an idiot leorio. Thats why i wont gonna leave you behind." i said.

"  we mark our word leorio.  You can go now. " kurapika said. I leorio sign in the three of us.

" Fine,  do what you want to do. Im going inside now. "

We wait thirty minutes but leorio didn't come back.  I thought he is already died or something. When we heard him scream.
The three of us run inside that cave. And we saw him lying on the ground with full of snake bites all over his body.  Although the snake are not to much venomous.
Leorio can still die by to many bites.  Gon walk closer in the dead man who control that snake.

" What are you doing Gon? " i ask him.

" I Will going to find the antidote. I know this guy have it. " he said. All the snake are all over in gon's body. But he ignore it.
He finally found the antidote and i walk closer to him.

" What you did is to dangerous." i say to him but he only laugh.

" But im still alive." i smile at him. Yeah his still alive.  kurapika inject the Antidote in gon and leorio.
Now the only problem is how are we going to get out in this cave.
We try it  at first.  But those snake are coming out and ready to bite us if we step foot out side.

" Ms ponzu. Do you still have a Sleeping gas? " is Gon planing to make every snake fall to sleep.  But where insdie the cave if the sleeping gas burst out. All of us well fall asleep too.

" I have. But it wont gonna work. You cant hold your breath in whole five minutes." ponzu have a point.

" Five minutes and thirty second.  That is my record in holding a breath."

I sign. " trust him ponzu. Gon is more strong than his look. " i said and smile to her. After ponzu use the sleeping gas all of as fall asleep except to Gon.

We manage to get outside of the cave. And go in the meeting place before the times over.
Soon our examiner declare that all applicants who got a six points pass the fourth phase of exam.

blazing blues ( hunterxhunter kurapika x oc) Where stories live. Discover now