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With blue gloves on his hands, he walked through the market square

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With blue gloves on his hands, he walked through the market square.

Trying to find a way to repay and showcase his gratitude he was on the lookout for a gift.

Scanning for a gift, his eyes crossed over the various displays lining up.

He wanted the gift to be as important as the gifts he received. Knowing next to nothing about the person was not helping his cause.

What do girls want? Makeup? Food? He was at a total loss. With a dejected sigh, he trudged his way to his home.

Snow from last night had turned a muddy brown as cars trampled it again and again. Cold was still as biting as before, if not more. But, he felt warm. Warmer than he had ever felt in the last few years.

Just a block away from his house he passed a small house with Christmas music blasting through it. The house was decorated with merry lights and many decorations. The house alone was a beacon of festive season in the whole street.

Something pulled at him from that huge but he didn't know what. His insides called out to him and urged him to ring that doorbell but the rational side of him prevented him from so.

Shaking his head he continued on his way back home. Dejection from earlier returned and his thoughts once again focused on the task he failed to complete.

Smell of cinnamon rolls hit him as he entered the house. With his stomach leading his mind, he made his way into the kitchen.

Sight of his dad cooking was what greeted him. With a blue apron on and flour marking his cheeks he maneuvered his way through the kitchen. As he entered the small conversation between his mom, who was sipping some tea, came to a halt.

"Aziel you are right on time. Your dad just made a batch of his cinnamon rolls." his mother gushed as she drizzled the vanilla icing over the rolls.

Soon they were enjoying their cinnamon rolls, as they talked about their everyday happenings. Even the silence between the family was a comforting one.

"Oh! I forgot. Someone sent this for you. It was on the doormat." his father exclaimed remembering. From the pocket of his apron, he produced a blue envelope with familiar handwriting on the front.

His eyes grew wide and realization drew in. Leaning over he snatched it from his dad's hand.

With eagerness coursing through him, he ignored quickly took his leave. Ignoring his startled parents and half-eaten second cinnamon roll.

Locked in the emptiness of his room he opened the sealed envelope.

'Seems like you were looking for a gift.

You don't need to because that's the whole point of this thing.

If you are insistent then all I want for Christmas is you. Yes, I am quoting her but you will understand all of this in the end.

Till then why don't you enjoy your gifts? :)′

His heart stuttered as he reread the letter, again and again, making sure he read it right. His eyes lingered on a particular word making his thoughts jumble.

A slow and unsure smile made its way to his face matching the smile already on the girl's face.

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