Chapter 1

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It was rare for sunny and beautiful city like Naples to be raining, but for a specific afternoon it was. While most people were staying indoors, a certain man was out walking. His name was Bruno Bucciarati, a respected member of the town, and while it was certainly bizarre for him to be out on a day like this but in all honesty...he didn't mind the rainfall.

Bucciarati always took walks outside, wither it was sunny or rainy, it didn't matter to him. As long as he was able to escape from the world of the mafia, even for a little bit, he was fine with going out in any weather. Umbrella in hand, Bucciarati was about to pass an alley until he heard...a baby crying?

Bucciarati immediately stopped in his tracks when he heard the wails. At first, he thought he was imagining it but as he took one foot into the alley, his suspicions were proven correct. Soon enough, Bucciarati tried to look for where the cries were coming from until it struck him. It was coming from the dumpster...

Bucciarati quickly dropped his umbrella, not caring if he got wet and took out bags of garbage from the dumpster in hopes of finding the baby and once he took out his fifth bag he found them. The baby was small and pinkish, with it's eyes closed and tears coming down them. Their arms were reached out desperately for comfort, and they were wrapped in nothing more than a towel. Bucciarati softly took the infant into his arms and began to gently rock them.

"Shh, shh, your okay...I got you.." Bucciarati mumbled, reassuring the baby that everything was alright. But in Bucciarati's mind, he was asking so many questions like "Why did someone leave their baby in a dumpster?" and "who would do such a thing?". After realizing the baby was in the dumpster for god knows how long, he ran out of the alley and back to his cottage in hopes of hover the infant some shelter.

Once Bucciarati got to his home, he went and got a small blanket to wrap around the baby. However, when he was about to, Bucciarati quickly realized that it meant to remove the baby's towel which covered their bottom half. "I just have to take it off slowly..." Bucciarati said to himself as he hesitantly grabbed the towel, slowly pulling it off. When he did that, he knew one thing for sure...that the baby was a girl.

As Bucciarati clutched the baby close to his chest, he began to wonder what he should do now. The birth parents of the baby probably didn't want her anymore and going to foster care was too risky. Really, the most logical choice was to take the baby in and raise her as his own. Bucciarati always wanted a family, but due to his affiliation with Passione, was afraid to get close to people that weren't in his team.

Bucciarati looked down at the sleeping baby...She looked so peaceful, so much like an angel. "I just have to.." Bucciarati said quietly, knowing that the baby was his new responsibility.

It was finally nighttime When Bucciarati got ready for bed, deciding to get all the stuff he needed for the baby tomorrow. As Bucciarati entered his bedroom, he noticed that the baby was now awake. He carefully approached the baby and took in her features. She had (e/c) eyes and a tuff of (h/c) hair. "Hey there..." Bucciarati whispered, putting his index finger on her cheek. He slowly but softly moved it down, and to his surprise, the baby grabbed it. A smile soon crossed Bucciarati's face, never feeling this happy in a while. "I should probably give you a name." Bucciarati yawned, getting into his bed.  The bay turned to him and gave him a soft smile, reaching for his short hair.

Bucciarati smiled again and faded into dreamland, thinking to himself "y/n..." that's a good name for you..."

{ Don't you worry child } Bruno Bucciarati x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now