Chapter 19

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As the group's attention turned to him, Narancia immediately took out Aerosmith, letting it shoot a barrage of bullets at the soup. "Giorno quick! Get Trish and y/n in the turtle!" Bucciarati ordered as Giorno grabbed Coco jumbo and had Trish entered it. "y/n, you need to get in now!" Giorno said, noticing y/n didn't enter Coco jumbo . "No! I'm part of the team, so I'm going to help you out.!" y/n said back, Giorno only responding with "Fine..."

Mista took out his revolver and asked Narancia "Well, where are they? Where are we being attacked from?". Narancia answered him, saying "inside the soup bowl! I don't how it got in there though." Pointing to the now broken bowl on the ground. Mista looked down, but all he saw was the spilled soup and broken glass. As the group attempted to look for the shark, Narancia looked down to the spoon in his hand and noticed something swimming in it. A dorsal fin was poking right out the soup....

Narancia was about to tell the others but just as he opened his mouth, the shark jumped out from the spoon and bit off a chunk of his tongue. When his tongue got torn off, Narancia fell down, Mista instantly catching him. "Zio Narancia!" y/n cried out as she rushed to his side. y/n noticed a green bottle rolling and saw a small shark in it. y/n grabbed the bottle, but the shark disappeared. As Mista tried to asked the now speechless Narancia what happened to him, y/n tried to track where the shark was.

The shark was now in Abbacchio's wine bottle. y/n saw this and grabbed the wine bottle, throwing it on the ground. "Get out of there, jaws!" she yelled out, the wine bottle breaking into a million pieces. But the shark left the wine bottle before y/n could break it. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!" Abbacchio shouted at y/n, y/n turning to her zio and responding with "The shark was in there!". "The shark was in the wine bottle?" "Yeah, I think it's the same shark that Zio Narancia was talking about!"

The group than cane to the conclusion that the shark that y/n and Narancia saw was the same thing that ripped out Narancia's tongue and was stand. After Giorno created a new tongue for Narancia, the group asked him if he knew where the shark went. "Yeah I do, it ran into the back of the restaurant!". The group was confused, if the shark was found in Narancia's soup than how did it enter the restaurant without any of them realizing it.

Mista tried to ask Narancia about the shark, but Narancia only gave him blabbering nonsense, saying "I did not see the stand!". "Is it me or is Zio Narancia acting weird?" y/n thought to herself as Giorno told the group that they must leave. Narancia than started to pull Giorno back but was saying that he agreed that they must leave. Mista checked his mouth but nothing was in it.

"Wait, we can leave now! We need to find the stand user!" y/n spoke out, "even if we leave Venezia, they might just follow us!". The group agreed and Bucciarati ordered Abbacchio to use Moody blues to replay the enemy earlier. But when y/n turned to face the canal, she saw the same shark she saw earlier. "Hey, I think I found the stand!" y/n said to the group but it didn't seem to reach their ears as Narancia was pointing to the bathroom, saying he found the stand over there.

The group then entered the bathroom, leaving only Narancia and y/n outside. "Zio Narancia, the stand was in the canal, not the canal!" y/n said to him, but Narancia only covered his mouth. "Something's wring with my zio..." y/n thought as she then found a pen on the ground under one of the tables. y/n grabbed the pen and gave it to Narancia, saying to him "If you can't say it, write on the table cover!". Narancia complied and started writing. When he finished, the writing said "I seem to only say the opposite of what I really mean."

"So that means another enemy stand user must have gotten to you... I'll be your translator! We need to tell the others that we might be dealing with two!" y/n said. y/n and Narancia entered the bathroom (y/n was kinda nervous at first as it was the men's room) and saw Abbacchio about to activate Moody blues. "Zio Abbacchio, you can't use it here!" y/n said, grabbing onto his arm "Zio Narancia he didn't mean entering the bathroom!". Abbacchio only ignored his niece, freeing his arm from y/n's grasp.

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