Chapter 18

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Bucciarati decided to take down the boss, as he couldn't continue to work for a man who wanted to kill his own daughter just to keep his identity a secret. Giorno, Abbacchio, Mista, and Narancia joined him, despite knowing the risks of being a traitor. Fugo stayed behind, saying that he didn't want to betray the organization for a girl he didn't even know.

Bucciarati and his remaining team were still in Venezia, traveling by motorboat in the canals. Trish and y/n were still in Coco jumbo, being kept in them for their safety. "For now, it doesn't look like anyone is trying to tail us." Narancia spoke, using Aerosmith's radar to see if somebody was following them. "Bucciarati, shouldn't we be leaving Venezia?" "The boss commands a convoy of bodyguards, chances are they already know about us betraying the famigila." Bucciarati said, finishing his answer to Giorno with "The next threat, is likely someone from the inside..."

"The worst part is that we have no idea what kind of torture they can dish out." Abbacchio said, Bucciarati responding with "Certo, it's far to risky for our band of defectors to take to the seas. For now, it's better to observe.". Everyone nodded, but a little girl's voice took them by surprise. "Papa are you there?" y/n asked, now haven waken up. Bucciarati took Coco jumbo and answered "Yes. Your zios and Prince Giorno are here as well.". "I need to ask you something!" "Well if you have a question, you can come out." "But I want you to come here!" Bucciarati was taken back a bit, but entered Coco jumbo.

Bucciarati saw that y/n must have been up for a while, as her eyes were droopy and her (h/l) (h/c) hair was messy. "What is it that you wanted to ask, Dolcezza?" Bucciarati said as y/n took a deep breath and said her question. "W-what just happened?" y/n asked as Bucciarati looked at her in confusion. "What do you mean?" "What happened at the church! Who was that person?! Why did he try to kill you?" y/n had a pleading look in her (e/c) eyes.

Bucciarati only stood frozen in his place. He had to tell her , now that she met face to face with the boss. Bucciarati finally spoke up, saying "y/ you know what the mafia is?". y/n nodded and said "Is it with the bad people who sell drugs?". "y/n knows just half of it." Bucciarati thought to himself, saying again "I'm...Well...a mafioso...".

He finally said it. Bucciarati finally told his daughter what his true occupation was. y/n's eyes widen and stuttered out "Wait, D-Does that mean you sold drugs?". "No, No! I never did stuff like that! But I did do other bad things...". y/n tried to understand what her father was saying, She thought he was just a normal business man not a person who did illegal things.

"Your zios are also mafiosi, even Giorno is one." "So he's not a prince?" Bucciarati shook his head no in answer. "So, everything that happened yesterday-" "It was all Rival Mafiosos attacking us.". Bucciarati explained to y/ about what really happened, to Finding Polpo's treasure to escorting Trish to the events that happened on the train to Firenze. Everything was revealed to y/n.

After Bucciarati finished, he saw that y/n was trembling, as if she was told a scary ghost story. "I should have expected this reaction." Bucciarati though to himself as he looked down to his shoes. "You probably hate me now, huh?" Bucciarati muttered under his breath, only for y/n to engulf him in a hug.

"I-I c-can't believe that you had to keep all of this a secret from m-me!" y/n said, sobs escaping from her mouth. Bucciarati kneeled down to y/n and hugged her back, saying to her "My neonata, I'm so so so sorry for bringing you into this. You deserved so much more!". Bucciarati started to feel his own tears falling down. After the hug, Bucciarati and y/n started to wipe the tears away from their eyes.

"Now then, are you aware of our current situation y/n?" Bucciarati asked as y/n nodded, confirming that she understood what her father and zios had just betrayed Their Organization. "And do you really want to involve yourself in what we're doing?" y/n nodded again, and Bucciarati gave her a sly smile. "If that's the case, I now hereby accept you into my team y/n! No matter how small your contribution may be, it will be greatly appreciated." Bucciarati said as y/n saluted saying "I will do my best!".

The two then heard a grumbling noise coming from y/n's stomach. "Hungry?" Bucciarati asked as y/n answered "Kind of...". Bucciarati chuckled and said "Than let's stop at a restaurant, I'm pretty sure the others are starving as well."

The team was now at a restaurant, everyone except Giorno were sitting at their table. Mista, Abbacchio, and Narancia were talking about vegans while y/n and Bucciarati were having their own conversation. "So, a stand can have ability based on their user?" y/n asked as Bucciarati nodded. "Every stand has a different ability, For example my Sticky fingers can create zippers." Bucciarati than continued "But I'm not sure what your stand's ability is, but what it can do saved your life back at the church."

y/n and Bucciarati than noticed that Mista, Narancia, and Abbacchio were now standing around a beaten man, forcing him to see if their food was poisoned. y/n only giggled at the sight as Bucciarati told them to stop what they're doing, so they can decide what they're next move will be. But when Bucciarati explained the boss's stand power and their severity of the situation, Narancia spoke up when Abbacchio offered to use Trish to track down the boss's identity.

Narancia expressed his Distaste over involving Trish even more, especially since y/n is also now apart on finding out the boss's identity. "Have a heart Bucciarati! We already dragged y/n with us in the hunt, dragging Trish as well is going to far!". "Thank you, but it's okay Narancia." Trish said, now out of Coco jumbo, everybody's attention now turned to her.

"I know all that, about the kind of man he is...". "But Trish-" "No it's alright, in fact your talk about him leaving no trace sparked something.". Trish than began to explain about what her mother told her when she was young, about how she met Trish's father in Sardinia while on vacation and how he disappeared. It happened 15 years ago, before he became the boss of Passione.

The group came to the conclusion that Sardinia must be the key to his past and identity and decided to travel there next. " do know that means that Papa and the others might kill your father?" y/n asked to the pink haired girl. Trish looked down at the younger girl and said "What they do to him is none of my concern, but I'm not going to die before finding out about whose blood is coursing through my veins.". y/n was still trying to adjust that her father and zios were mafiosos and that they had killed people before, and she was trying to adjust that she was now living life in the run.

As y/n got lost in her thoughts, she heard Narancia yell something out loud. "Uh guys, I think we have company! There's a shark in my soup!". They were already getting attacked by the enemy now!

Author's note: You really don't know how much rewriting I had to do for this chapter, like this was a pain to revise. But this chapter really isn't my best but it's at least passible.  I hope you guys are ready for the next chapter, as y/n's stand will have it's grand entrance and its ability will be fully revealed. See you all next time!
Certo means of course in English

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