Chapter 13

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y/n's heart rate was higher than usual as she waited for Mista to come back. Her breathing was heavy as she sat on a chair, her knees up and her arms around them. Both her and Trish still looked like their ages, but Bucciarati and the others in the room were still aging, Bucciarati being the least affected.

Trish was keeping the ice on Narancia's face, in hopes of slowing down his aging, while Bucciarati was using a chair for support. The rest of the team were passed out (y/n asked her father if she should wake up Fugo and Abbacchio to tell them about their current state, which Bucciarati refused saying that they didn't need them to worry as well)

Bucciarati looked at y/n, seeing her in such distress broke his heart. "y/n...come here." Bucciarati said to her, his arms out for a hug. y/n saw this and went straight to him, entering his hug. "Why? Why is this happening? Did I do something wrong?" y/n asked, her voice quivering. "Baby, it not your fault." Bucciarati reassured y/n, "You had no hand in the events that happened so far.".

"I just want this day to be over..." "It will, I promise." Trish watched the father cradle his daughter. The fact that Bucciarati was able to still be calm in this situation impressed her more than anything. Then, a high pitched voice was heard, yelling out "Bucciarati! Bucciarati!". The three looked up to the ceiling and saw a certain bullet like entity flying towards Bucciarati, an ice cube in it's small hand. It was one of Mista's sex bullets.

"Number 6? What the hell are you doing in here?" Bucciarati asked, as number 6 went eye level to the man. "Mista! He just got shot!" The stand cried out which made y/n's eyes widen. "WHAT!" Bucciarati shouted in shock, while number 6 being there showed that his user was still there, he probably didn't have enough time.

"So the stand user's still around?" "Stand users, and yes.". "Wait, there were two users instead of one?" Bucciarati thought as number 6 continued, "if we take out the stand user that's causing the aging than everyone can get better!". Bucciarati nodded and got up but his arm was grabbed by y/n, stopping him from leaving Coco jumbo's room."y/n, I need to go-" "NO! I can't risk you getting hurt!" y/n protested, clutching onto his arm tightly. Tears started to well up, saying "I don't want you to end up like Zio Mista...".

Bucciarati stared at y/n, his eyes showing that he felt the same sadness. He could probably die knowing that there was now two stand users on the train, but if he wanted to save his team, he had to leave to face them. Bucciarati kneeled down to y/n and said "My Dolce bambina, I have to do this," Bucciarati than kissed y/n on her forehead, "watch over Trish while I'm gone...". After that he left the room.

"Papa..." y/n muttered softly, tears now falling down.

as y/n reached out to the ceiling to get out of Coco jumbo, using the chair to boost herself up, she was stopped by Trish. "y/n, You need to stay in here until your father deals with the people doing this to us.". y/n turned to face Trish and said back "But it's been to long! What if Zio Mista died? I can't be in the sidelines while my family is getting hurt!".

Trish got up from where she was standing, saying to y/n "I understand that you want to protect us, but your still a child, the people attacking us are way more stronger than you could ever be. So I think it's better for us to just wait it out until it's over.". y/n looked down to her feet and got off from the chair. "What if my Zio's pass away before Papa can stop the aging?" y/n thought to herself. But in a flash, Trish grabbed y/n close to her. "T-Trish, what happ-" y/n stopped her sentence as she looked up to where the view of the outside of the ceiling was and saw two people looking down. Two people she didn't recognize...

The person on the left seemed to have a creature in front of him that was shaped like a humanoid torso that was covered with eyes. The creature lacked legs but had large hands that it used to stand. The place where the legs of the creature was supposed to be had four tentacles. Where these the people that were attacking them? Did they find them? Those thoughts were in y/n's head as she gripped onto Trish. The creature than raised one of its fists....Was the creature planning on hitting  Coco jumbo!

"If it hits Coco jumbo, then it would kill all of us inside." y/n thought to herself, paranoia striking her heart. The creature was about to strike until another hand grabbed on to it. It was Bucciarati's Sticky fingers, as he was hiding in the ceiling that the two attackers named Prosciutto and Pesci were in. After dealing with Prosciutto by injuring him with his zippers, he knocked out Pesci and picked up Coco jumbo and by seeing Her father's face, y/n's spirits raised.

"Papa!" y/n happily exclaimed, but Coco jumbo was put down, as Bucciarati was going to finish off Prosciutto. But one thing lead to another and it eventually lead to Bucciarati throwing himself and Prosciutto off the train (but Prosciutto was the one to hit the ground, though still managed to get back on the train and used the last of his strength to use his stand The Grateful Dead) and Bucciarati having to zip off his body parts to avoid his heart being hooked by Pesci's Beach boy after he woke up.

But what Bucciarati wasn't aware was that y/n couldn't keep staying inside Coco jumbo. "I'm sorry Trish, But I have to help Papa!" y/n said to the pinkette, as she got on the chair that she used earlier to reach the ceiling and reached out to the open view. "Wait y/n! You can't get out!" Trish yelled but it was to late, as y/n had now left the room.

When y/n got out, she felt the bottom of the train not rumbling. "Did the train stop?" y/n thought as she stood up, looking around her area. "Hey...where you in the turtle?" A voice asked that was directed towards y/n, a voice that y/n never heard before...

y/n froze upon hearing the voice and slowly turned around. It was from Pesci, who had Beach boy in his hand. y/n recognized Pesci as one of the people she saw earlier when she was back in Coco jumbo. "He's one of the attackers..." y/n thought to herself as she stepped back from him a bit. "So are you, answer me kid." Pesci said again, but y/n didn't give him an answer. Instead she grabbed Coco jumbo and ran out of the train.

"YOU DAMN MONELLO! GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" Pesci shouted, following her. When y/n reached the outside, she only made it a few feet away from Pesci as she tripped on a rock, Falling on her knees and dropping Coco jumbo. As y/n saw Pesci approaching her, she closed her eyes and cried out "PAPA SAVE ME!". When Pesci reached y/n he stopped in his tracks and muttered "You know, I wonder what it's like to kill a kid?".

Pesci then flung Beach boy's line straight towards y/n, but a certain blue stand caught it before it could reach her heart. "y/n, get in the god damn turtle..." Bucciarati said, as thanks to the train stopping, he was able to put himself together. When y/n heard her father's command, she nodded and went back inside Coco jumbo

y/n entered Coco jumbo's room, and she was greeted by a hug from Trish. "Oh my god, I thought they caught you!" Trish said in relief, but y/n wasn't paying attention to what Trish was saying. y/n noticed that a claw mark was on the floor right where Trish used to be standing at.

"Trish...was that mark always there?"

"Papa, I'm really sorry!" "No y/n, you knew that you weren't suppose to get out of Coco jumbo, but guess what the first thing I saw when I got out the train!". Prosciutto and Pesci were defeated, and everyone was back to their regular appearance, even Mista was also saved from dying out from his gunshot wounds. But that didn't stop Bucciarati from giving a good scolding to y/n.

You didn't know how angry he was with y/n. The fact that y/n almost got herself killed already infuriated Bucciarati enough. But Bucciarati admitted that he appreciated the fact that y/n tried to take Coco jumbo away from Pesci, how she valued her family's lives over hers. And he was thankful y/n did'nt find out from that experience that he was apart of the mafia. "Just don't go out of Coco jumbo until I say otherwise, y/n." Bucciarati softly said to the (h/c) haired girl as she nodded, saying "I will, Papa...".

Bucciarati and his team couldn't escort Trish by train anymore, as he found out that Prosciutto already messaged his surviving teammates that they were traveling by train. So now they had to use a different place to travel in while in Coco jumbo. However, another thing was on Bucciarati's mind...and that was the fact Trish had a stand.

Author's note: Dolce bambina means sweet baby girl in English.

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