Chapter 14

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Team Bucciarati was now traveling in a truck hidden in Coco jumbo, using it to get to Rome. y/n sat cross legged on the floor,  staring at the claw mark on the floor. She was still confused about the events that happened on the train. Why were her family's attackers specifically after them? Where they in on the game of tag?  And if they were, why did they go that far just to catch them? Those thoughts and a bunch more were still in y/n's mind.

However, y/n wasn't the only one that still had questions over the events that happened earlier. Trish was thinking about the claw mark that was in the room, wondering if that came from her. Narancia noticed the mood Trish and y/n were in and asked "Criminy, what's with all the doom and gloom weighing everybody down all of a sudden?"

"Did Bucciarati say something he shouldn't have to those two to make them angry?" "No, I think they are in this funk because Bucciarati is actually staying quiet.". Giorno believed that Trish was coming to terms with her innate powers, while y/n almost came face to face with death's door. "Bucciarati already has his hands tied with keeping the mob a secret to y/n, and adding Trish's questions of her enigmatic father just makes his job more stressful" Giorno thought to himself as he muttered under his breath "they held tough through all of this, such strength of will..."

Just then a rumbling noise was felt throughout the room. "What's going on?" Bucciarati asked, sitting up from his chair. The question was directed towards Mista, who was watching the ceiling. "You were supposed to keep watch, so what happened!". "Huh,me?!" Mista said out loud in shock, shortly earning back his composure and responded with "uh, can't really say, I wasn't really keeping watch but I was dealing with something else...But from what I can say, it seems that the truck stopped."

And so, the group decided to find another way of transportation, now that they're current had its driver knocked out.

As the rest of the group were outside debating on if they should steal a car from a parking lot, y/n, Bucciarati, and Trish  were still in Coco jumbo. Trish was trying to get out of the room, using a chair to boost herself up only to be stopped by Bucciarati. "Please get down from there, it's to dangerous for you to leave."

"Listen, Mr.Bucciarati" Trish said, "I have a question for you, it's kinda dumb but even so I hope you'll be able to answer it.". "What's the question?". "Why isn't there a bathroom in this stubby place, and please don't say you're expecting me to wear a diaper!" Trish asked, in which y/n spoke up saying "I have to agree, I kinda need to go to.".

"You two do make a good point.." Bucciarati said as he got up for his seat and opened the closet. Then a zipping noise was heard. "This closet will be our bathroom, have at it." "Have at it?" "I assumed you needed to use it.". y/n noticed that there was now a open zipper on the bottom of the closet. y/n  thought she could probably hold it in after realizing that her father expected them to do their business in the open zipper.

Just then, Giorno came into view of the ceiling, causing Bucciarati to take his eyes off Trish. But in a blink of a eye, y/n couldn't see the older girl anymore. "Trish?" y/n called out as she got up from where she was sitting, looking for the pinkette. "y/n, is something wrong?" Bucciarati asked to his daughter, but soon noticed that Trish was also gone. As Bucciarati looked around the room, y/n noticed a women's hand being dragged from behind one of the chairs. As she followed the hand she saw that it was getting dragged into the cupboard. "TRISH!" y/n cried out as she grabbed Trish's hand, the cupboard's door fully opened to show Trish getting cubified.

"y/n, did you find her?" Bucciarati asked, only to see the situation in front of him. "Y/N, MOVE OUT OF THE WAY!" Bucciarati yelled, pushing y/n away from the cupboard. And when y/n looked to see what was happening, she saw her father getting cubified just like Trish. Bucciarati disappeared into the cupboard, leaving only y/n in the room. y/n then felt something wet on her pants....maybe she really couldn't keep it in after all.

"PRINCE GIORNO! PRINCE GIORNO!" y/n yelled out to the golden haired boy as she tried to get out of Coco jumbo, boosting herself with one of the chairs. But y/n found herself not yelling anymore, despite the fact her mouth was still moving. y/n then felt her throat, her fingers going straight through it. There was a hole in the middle of her throat.

Giorno came into view and asked "y/n, what happened? Where's your dad and Trish?". y/n started to jump in order and to get out of  Coco jumbo. When she did, she went into Giorno's arms. "y/n, you need to tell me what happened." Giorno said but quickly saw what happened to the small girl.
She had a hole right where her throat was supposed to be, blood seeping out of it and only grunts coming from her mouth even though it was forming words.

Giorno than told y/n to stand behind him and took out Gold experience, letting it enter Coco jumbo to search. At first, Gold experience couldn't find anything, but that was before he eyed the cupboard and opened it's cabinet. Nothing was in there. "I could have sworn I sensed a..." "oh, you did!". As Giorno heard the unfamiliar voice , he immediately used Gold experience to destroy the cupboard but there was no stand. Giorno than lost his leg and eye, bleeding out from both parts.

If y/n could scream, she would be doing it at the top of her lungs as she witnessed Giorno's injuries. y/n than took the key out of Coco Jumbo's shell, not knowing that the cupboard was flying up, leaving Coco jumbo's room. "Good work y/n, They're now leaving the room." Giorno said as the cupboard left the room, and then formed into a rock.

As the cupboard was forming, Giorno realized the ability of the enemy stand, by dissembling the human body, he can rearrange the pieces into something else.

Giorno grabbed Coco jumbo and took out Gold experience , attempting to hit the rock with his stand, only for it to divide to dodge his attacks. y/n could only do was watch as Giorno bleed out, trying to save her father and Trish. She started to crawl away, not wanting to get involved. y/n than heard Giorno's voice saying "y/n....please come over here..." as y/n did as she was told, Giorno ripped off y/n's cross and used it to create the missing part of y/n's throat.

"T-tell the others..." Giorno muttered as y/n started to cry, protesting that she couldn't leave him. Giorno then pushed y/n to the side, as he took the hit originally meant for her, causing a hole to appear on his throat. "Prince Giorno!" y/n shouted as Giorno fell, with her rushing to his side.

The life of Giorno's eyes started to diminish as y/n's tears started to fall on him. "No...don't go Prince can't die..." y/n mumbled under her breath, (h/c) hair covering her eyes. Just how where they going to defeat the enemy?

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