Chapter 20

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The team agreed that it was to dangerous to travel by sea anymore, so they decided to take a plane to get to Sardinia. While traveling to Marco Polo airport, y/n told Bucciarati about Don't Stop Believin. Bucciarati was shocked and proud at the same time. Bucciarati was shocked that not only did his daughter finally show her stand, but managed to defeat the two stand users with a plan that involved her stand. Bucciarati was also proud, proud that his daughter had found her determinazione and use Don't stop Believin to it's full advantage.

When the group than arrived at the airport, they soon got a plane. After Giorno confirmed that they were no living organisms on the plane, Abbacchio used Moody blues to pilot the plane. Just then, Narancia noticed a symbol enter Aerosmith's radar. "Ahead in the left, we got company coming!" Narancia warned Mista, who was keeping watch outside of the plane. Mista noticed a figure approaching the plane, taking out his revolver and pointing at the figure.

"y/n, hurry up and get inside the plane!" Mista said to the young girl, who was still on the stairs. y/n complied, quickly entering. Mista ordered the person approaching to get lost, but the person kept walking towards them. Mista gave warning shot to the man, the bullet entering straight into his leg. The man than took out his stand, which lead to Mista killing him. Giorno at first suspected that something was amiss, that the man wanted Mista to kill him. Giorno didn't get to fully inspect the man's body as the plane was about to leave the airport. The entire group than entered the plane, and it took off.

If only they were aware of what followed them on board...

The plane was now up in the sky. y/n looked at the window memorized as she saw the clouds outside. y/n was sitting on the lap of her father, who was having a conversation with Trish. The two were having a conversation about la baia della volpe, the bay of the fox, in Costa Smeralda. Trish said that it was the place where her mother met the boss, Bucciarati decided that when they reach Sardinia, it will be the first place they search.

Meanwhile, Giorno and Mista were dealing with something in the fridge. At first, they thought that it was chicken scraps...but soon realized it was actually severed fingers. The ripped fingers of the man Mista killed at the airport. This grabbed the attention of y/n, Bucciarati, Trish, and Narancia who went over to where the fridge was. "Giorno, when you came aboard this aircraft, you were positive it was devoid of any life. But now Mista said he witnessed three severed fingers multiply to's this happening? Are they not giving off any energy at all?" Bucciarati asked.

Giorno took out Gold experience and used it to see if the fingers and become grass. It didn't, meaning the fingers were inanimate. When Giorno exclaimed, Mista spoke up saying "Look you guys, I know those multiplying zombie digits really spooked me up, but let's be real shall we I was probably seeing things. But why are these stupid freaking fingers on this stupid freaking plane!" "That's what I want to know as well." Bucciarati said back to the gunslinger.

Bucciarati said  that they had no other choice but to throw them away. Narancia protested, saying that they couldn't just open a door while airborne, unless they wanted to go flying. "Everyone hold onto something!" Bucciarati ordered, as each person grabbed onto a chair. "Sticky fingers!" Bucciarati shouted, taking out his stand. Sticky fingers then opened a zipper from the bottom of the fridge. The fridge than fell down from the plane. The zipper than closed, not letting anything else go though it.

"Ahhh, papa! Don't scare us like that!" y/n cried out, softly hitting her father. After the whole ordeal, everyone went back to doing what they were doing. y/n and Bucciarati sat back down on their seats (y/n's seat being Bucciarati's lap). y/n started to tell Bucciarati more about Don't Stop Believin. However, Bucciarati noticed that Giorno had Gold experience out again. Bucciarati got up from his seat
and asked the golden haired boy what the problem was.

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