Chapter 30

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y/n reluctantly looked up to see where the blood was coming from, and oh how she wished she didn't. Right there pierced on the metal bars was a lifeless Narancia. "ZIO NARANCIA!" y/n screamed, reaching out for the boy. Everyone looked up and immediately started reach onto the bars, trying to find a way to get him off of there.

"Sticky fingers!" Bucciarati said, taking out his stand. Sticky fingers zipped off the bottom parts of the bars, getting Narancia down. As the group crowded around Narancia, y/n begged Giorno to heal him. "You healed Zio Abbacchio back in Sardinia! You can heal Zio Narancia too!" y/n said but Giorno shook his head. "y/n....I tried checking Narancia's life energy but....I couldn't sense any..." Giorno explained to y/n, "I'm sorry...but he's dead..."

Tears started to form in y/n's eyes (or Diavolo's eyes) and y/n started to cry  as Giorno returned to his body, The empty body of Narancia falling to its side. "Please! Zio Narancia! You can't be dead!" y/n said between sobs. Mista and Trish joined y/n in her cries, Giorno only watching them. Abbacchio not bearing to look at the body of Narancia only turned to face the other way. Bucciarati could only stay quiet as he saw the sight in front of him.

"Why...Why was I spared and he wasn't..." Abbacchio said softly, a shadow covering his soon started to rain, everyone now silent. y/n got up and started to walk out of the colosseum, but was stopped by Abbacchio. "Now where do you think you're going?" The man now in Bucciarati's body asked, y/n not turning to face him. "He's after the arrow...." "what?" "He killed Zio Narancia because of  his stand's radar...he took him out first so we couldn't know where he be." y/n got out of Abbacchio's grasp and looked back to see the rest of the group. "I'm going after him...he's not going to get away with this."

"y/n! Your stand can not be used for combat! You really think you can take him out by yourself?" Abbacchio protested, but Polnareff spoke up, saying "She might be right...He could be gone now and is following Chariot requiem at this moment.". "I agree...we need to hustle." Bucciarati said. Everyone got up and left the colosseum, but not before Giorno surrounded Narancia with flowers.

As the group rushed to find Chariot requiem, they saw that bystanders were also affected by Chariot requiem's swapping power. A dog and his owner, a mother and her infant, even a cop and a criminal he just arrested. It almost as if the whole population was under this power. The group finally caught up with Chariot requiem, Bucciarati getting closer to the stand to inspect it. "It seems that requiem doesn't have a destination in mind, nor any emotions." Bucciarati observed, looking over it.

y/n tripped over Chariot requiem, the stand falling flat on it's face, dropping the arrow close to Giorno and Mista. "It doesn't consider us an enemy..." y/n pointed out. Giorno attempted to grab the arrow, but was pushed back by Gold experience. Giorno than threw a pebble at the arrow, but it only ricocheted back. "It's no's not letting us get close." Giorno said, "it's not just our stands, if we try to touch it with something, it'll come flying back to us."

Chariot requiem began to get up, and started to walk towards the arrow. "Hey..." Polnareff said to Mista, causing the gunslinger turn towards him. "Requiem won't allow stand users to pick up the arrow. But what if someone who's not a stand user tried to pick up the arrow?" Polnareff asked. "Why are you asking me that? How the hell would I-" Mista got interrupted when he soon saw Polnareff grabbing the arrow, barely clinging onto it.

"My soul is holding on for deal life within this turtle. I'm no longer a stand I was able to touch it!" Polnareff said out loud, Chariot requiem running over to him. "Mista! Hurry up and pierce your stand with this arrow!" Polnareff shouted, clutching onto the arrow tightly.

"Giorno! Stop requiem!" Bucciarati ordered, but The stand was to far from Gold experience's range. Mista took out his revolver, but right when he was about to shoot it, it suddenly broke. Thankfully, When they where trying to look for Chariot requiem, Mista was attacked by an criminal who had his mind switched with a cop. Mista of course hand cuffed the pervert to a post, taking his gun in the process. Mista shot at Chariot requiem with the cop's gun, damaging the stand.

But Polnareff dropped the arrow, causing the Chariot requiem to now be in possession of it., chariot requiem began to charge at Polnareff, which made Mista grab him and climb the top of a pole to avoid it. Chariot requiem was now after Polnareff, because he touched the arrow. "I'm throwing the turtle!" Mista called out to the others, "Catch it, Giorno!"

However, before Mista was able to do so, Chariot requiem managed to knock Polnareff out of his hands. As Mista looked down to see if Polnareff was okay, he saw that Chariot requiem was now walking away from them, Polnareff unharmed. "You okay, Mr.Polnareff?" "He's okay." The group crowded around Polnareff, the French man in the turtle explaining what just happened.

Earlier, before y/n rejoined them back in the colosseum , he said that used used the arrow before on Silver chariot but took it away before it could go Beserk. "Requiem stopped because the straying time has come!" Polnareff reveled to the group. "The starting time?" Mista asked, Polnareff responding with a yes. Soon, an eldritch abomination started to grow out of Polnareff. Everyone looked in shock as they began to realize the true motive of Chariot requiem.

Chariot requiem first started to swap the bodies of people, and is now starting to change the people affected into something else. As the group observed the sight around them, Trish pointed out, saying "it doesn't look like they're dying or in pain, they just have these vacant stares...but there is this fear of becoming something else." Trish than looked down at Mista's hand and saw that one of his fingers were slowly losing it's skin.

"The starting time is imminent, it will happen differently for each of us, but it'll start soon, for all of us." Polnareff spoke, but y/n was the only one not paying attention. She had this sneaking suspicion that someone was watching in on their conversation. As the rest of the group followed Chariot requiem, y/n only went the other way. "y/n, chariot requiem is going this way!" Mista called out to her, y/n replying with "I'm dealing with something else, you guys go on without me, I'll join you later. Mista nodded and continued chasing Chariot requiem.

y/n bit  Diavolo's finger, causing blood droplets to drip down onto the ground. "Mr.Polnareff... has if the droplets of blood get bigger, that means time has been skipped if I'm not wrong?" y/n asked, Polnareff conforming. "What are you planning to do?" Polnareff asked y/n, but before y/n could answer, she noticed that there was more blood droplets on the ground than before. "He's here!" y/n yelled, taking out Don't Stop Believin.

Don't Stop Believin's neck was grabbed by King Crimson. y/n felt this and felt herself being chocked as she saw Diavolo, who was now in her body, staring right at her. "Y/N!" Polnareff cried out, but King crimson's grip on Don't Stop Believin got tighter. "Finally, I can go back into my own body..." Diavolo said. Diavolo was silently watching over the group from afar, waiting for his time to attack.

Diavolo left y/n's body, the empty casket falling to it's side now that it didn't have a soul residing in it. Diavolo entered his body, now sharing it with y/n. Diavolo was currently in control, with him believing that y/n was currently unconscious. "Now let's see how long it will take them to realize that it's me in this body and not you.." Diavolo whispered as he rejoined the group, pretending to be y/n to trick the others.

If only he was aware that this was part of y/n's plan.....

Author's note: here's the last chapter before my small hiatus. If you don't read my announcements, I'm currently working on two new books now that this story is about to wrap up, so my main focus will be on those rather than this. So please be patient when waiting for new chapters. Thank you for understanding and your support and I'll see you all in the next chapter! (Also you can see that in the latter half of the chapter I basically lost all motivation, I was really tired when I wrote this)

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