Chapter 5

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Two days have passed since y/n had her nightmare, and while she was able to not have it ever since then, y/n still remembered what happened in it. y/n remembered seeing her Zio Abbacchio with a hole right where his heart was lying dead on a rock, seeing Zio Narancia impaled by broken and splintered bars, and worse of all...seeing her father lying unresponsive on the ground, with his eyes showing no signs of life. The nightmare still shakes y/n to her very core.

Thankfully, y/n always remembered that her father and Zios were still alive and well and that it was just a dream...a dream that she wishes to never happen.

Whenever y/n woke up, it was always the smell of her favorite breakfast, Banana oatmeal pancakes, that her dad was making in the kitchen. But today y/n woke up by herself, not having any type of smell reaching her nose. As y/n opened her eyes, she moved some of her (h/c) hair out of her mouth and got out of bed. "Papa! You up!" y/n asked as she left her bedroom and entered Bucciarati's. There she saw a note and picked it up, with the note saying "Going out early, your Zio's will pick up up, we are having breakfast at Libeccio's."

y/n couldn't complain about not having her Banana oatmeal pancakes today, as she loved eating at Libeccio, But y/n was very confused on why her father would just leave so early in the morning. y/n decided to get ready, brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and changed into her clothes that she picked out

 y/n decided to get ready, brushing her teeth, taking a shower, and changed into her clothes that she picked out

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(If you don't look like the girl in the picture, just insert yourself in the clothes)

y/n then sat on the couch in the living room and turned on the TV. She thought she could kill some time by watching a few cartoons when waiting for her Zios to get her. The cartoon that she decided to watch first was Totatlly spies! Specifically the episode "Nine lives" where one of the main characters becomes a cat human hybrid. It was probably y/n's favorite episode in the entire series.

A few minutes later, y/n heard the doorbell ring. y/n turned off the TV and went to the front door. y/n opened the door and saw her Zio's there. "Zio Mista!" y/n exclaimed as she jumped into said man's arms, a smile on her face. "what's up, y/n!" Mista said as he returned the hug. "I see that you got ready all by yourself." "Yeah! Papa's gonna be so proud of me!" y/n replied twirling around to show her Zio the outfit she chose. "Your acting like we aren't here as well..." Narancia said pouting, disappointed that y/n wasn't showing any attention to him "Sorry Zio Narancia, I will give you the biggest hug." y/n said as she gave Narancia a hug as well, but more tightly. This gave Narancia the biggest smile he ever had
"Fugo,can we please be done? its freaking beautiful out there!" Narancia asked as he lazily put his hand to rest the his head, sitting at his spot in Libeccio. Fugo thought that it would be nice give a quick lesson to y/n and Narancia before Bucciarati came, and of course Narancia found it to be boring. "One day away from the books isn't gonna hurt, and besides I just not into it today y'now,and I bet y/n is feeling the same way, right?" Narancia turned to y/n's way in hopes of getting her to back him up.

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