Chapter 22

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When the sun finally rises up again in the sky, The group reached Sardinia. y/n was fast asleep in Coco jumbo, Her father saying that she should get some rest after the whole ordeal her on the plane. Bucciarati watched the sleeping y/n, a smile on his face. Bucciarati didn't want to wake up y/n as she looked so peaceful. Bucciarati kissed y/n on her forehead and left Coco jumbo, deciding to have her stay in the room, while he and the rest of the group did their plan.

y/n woke up just a few minutes after Bucciarati left. "Everyone must be outside..." y/n thought to herself, looking around the room. The young girl than felt a grumbling noise coming from her stomach, signaling that she must be hungry. "I need to get some breakfast." y/n thought again, getting up from the couch. y/n saw that on the table, Bucciarati left his wallet. "I hope he doesn't get angry..." y/n muttered to herself, grabbing the wallet.

y/n soon left Coco jumbo, and headed to the neighboring town, hoping to buy some breakfast from there. It was strange for y/n to travel without her father or any of her zios accompanying her. The town looked a lot like Naples, with street vendors selling stuff, tourists looking at sights and people dining in restaurants. y/n had a map of the town in her hand, looking to see if there was any store that can sell some food to her.

The small girl was distracted by the map, so distracted that she didn't notice a boy her age shoving her out of his way. As y/n fell to her side, she shouted to the kid "Hey! What was that for?!". The kid didn't seem to hear her, as he only continued to run, trying to catch a butterfly (must explains why he had a net in his hand). y/n got up and picked up her map, not noticing the truck coming towards her.

"HEY KID WATCH OUT!" a voice called out to her, grabbing her arm and pulling her away from the truck. The truck continued to drive, y/n watching it and turned to see who saved her. It was a boy who seemed to be the in his teen, who had a neck length ponytail with a weave like braid. He wore a light colored sweater with gash like openings and a exposed midriff. y/n also saw that the teen had freckles.

"Oh, thank you for saving me back there!" y/n said, wanting to be respectful to her savior. "No problem, but why where you on the street without a care in the world?" "A kid shoved me out of the sidewalk." "Well, that explains everything." The teen noticed that y/n lost her map, as she dropped it when he pulled her over. The teen turned to the street and saw that he map was now run over, possibly by the truck. "Are you trying to look for something?" The teen asked to y/n as she answered "Trying to look for a place that serves breakfast, me and my family didn't eat anything since we got here."

"I actually saw a cafe two blocks from here, maybe you can try there?" The teen said, pointing to the direction of where the cafe was. "I will, Thank you mister!" y/n said, waving to the teen as she left. it turns out the cafe had to go orders, y/n using it to not only order for herself, but for the rest of her family. "I hope they like these egg sandwiches..." y/n said to herself, carrying a bag full of the food. "Now where do I get to the beach?" y/n thought, suddenly realizing she forgot which way she came.

Thankfully, y/n saw the teen from before and approached him. "Hello again!" y/n said to him, explaining her situation to the pink haired teen. "I was just about to get a cab, want me to take you back to your family?" "Sure!". When the cab came, the teen and y/n entered. "Where to?" The driver asked, the teen replying with "Costa Smeralda, please."

"That's actually the place I was going to!" y/n exclaimed to the teen, who responded saying "Really, looks like it's a win win situation for us."

y/n learned the name of the teen was Doppio and that he was sent on a mission to Costa Smeralda by his boss. y/n and Doppio immediately hit it off, the two having a conversation the entire drive to the beach. y/n took a egg sandwich from her bag and ripped it in half, offering one piece to Doppio. "Why thank you!" Doppio said as he took the Egg sandwich piece. When Doppio finished his egg sandwich, he realized that he was at the place and told the driver to stop.

The driver forced Doppio to give his money, But Doppio didn't have any, saying that 8,000 lire was to much just to get from town to the beach. The driver attempted to get an envelope that was stashed in Doppio's pocket, y/n spoke out saying that Doppio already payed him, showing the driver the money that was on the seat. "My bad...your off the hook." The driver said to Doppio, getting back in the cab and driving off. y/n stared to laugh, as she watched the cab drive away.

In reality, the money was a illusion created by Don't Stop Believin. It's going to take a while for the driver to realize there wasn't any money on the backseat. y/n had to repay Doppio for saving her. Doppio sighed in relief, asking y/n "Do you think you'll be able to find your family by yourself? I can always accompany you.". y/n was about to answer him but was interrupted when Doppio said "TURURURURU!"

Doppio continued, ringing noises only coming from his mouth. y/n only stared in confusion as Doppio grabbed a frog and held it as if it was a phone. "Yes boss, it's me.". y/n only watched as Doppio talked into the frog, talking to his "boss". y/n looked around, feeling awkward around Doppio. But as she looked back, she saw a mysterious figure at one of the rocks, looking straight down at her and Doppio.

The figure saw that y/n noticed him and disappeared from behind the rock. "Doppio!" y/n cried out, tugging on his sweater. "WHAT IS IT YOU IDIOTA!" Doppio yelled to the girl, his voice now more deeper. Doppio than froze again, regaining his composure and said again to y/n "I-I mean...yeah y/n?".

"I think someone's watching us!" y/n told him, only for a voice that didn't come from the two spoke up, saying "Looks like I've been outed...". y/n and Doppio turned to face who just spoke. Standing on the rock in front of them, was a older, masculine man that reminded y/n of her Zio Abbacchio. Doppio attempted to run but was tripped by The man's knife, falling face first on a rock. Blood started to bleed from his nose, y/n attempting to get to Doppio's side, but was grabbed by the man.

"So, this is Bucciarari's kid...Didn't expect to see you by yourself.." the man said as y/n tried to pull her arm away from the man's grasp, but he was too strong. "STOP SQUIRMING YOU LITTLE BRAT!" The man yelled, his grip on y/n getting tighter. Doppio saw the sight before him and yelled "Let her go! We don't have any money!". "You really think I want money? Judging by your actions, you don't look like a member of Passione." The man then continued "But this little girl...She is directly connected to someone I need."

"Is he one of the traitors that tried to get Trish?" y/n thought to herself, "If he is...Why does he want me! Papa's not working for the boss anymore!". y/n than bit onto the man's arm, freeing herself from him. "DAMMIT YOU BITCH! THAT FUCKING HURT!" the man screamed out, holding onto his bitten hand. y/n ran towards Doppio and grabbed his hand, getting the both of them away from the man.

"y/n...I need you to leave me..." Doppio panted out, after he and y/n got a good few meters away the man. "But Doppio-" "He looks like he wants both of us, but he's only going to deal with one." "You?!" I can deal with him, you need to hide!" y/n nodded and ran to find shelter. "Papa? W-where are you?" thought the girl as she hid behind a rock, trembling in fear.

"Hey y/n, you awake?" Bucciarati asked to his daughter, not looking at Coco jumbo. Bucciarati didn't hear a response, so he asked again. Still no answer...

Bucciarati grabbed Coco jumbo and looked down to the room, and he....he....


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