Chapter 27

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"Y-you're still alive...a-after all these years." Secco said to y/n, getting on his feet, continuing with "A-And I see you also have a S-stand, how you got it...I could care less about.". Bucciarati got in front of y/n, ready to beat the dog like man to a bloody pulp. "Why in the hell is this stronzo acting like he knows y/n?" Bucciarati thought to himself, Secco slowly circling the father and daughter.

"You seem to be close with B-Bucciarati , perhaps he is your new guardian?" Secco asked, tilting his head. "If this is a scare tactic, it isn't working! I'm not a scared little girl if that's what you think I am!" y/n shouted to Secco. Secco only chucked and exclaimed"Oh this will be so much fun to film! A daughter's despair over her father's death! The ultimate tragedy!" Secco than took out a camera from one of his Body suit's pockets, getting distracted by it. Bucciarati found this the perfect opportunity to attack him.

Bucciarati took out Sticky fingers and attempted to attack Secco with it. But Before Sticky fingers and lay a hit on Secco, Secco kicked Bucciarati right in his chin, sending him flying to the rails. "PAPA!" y/n cried out, rushing to Bucciarati. y/n was too focused on her father that she didn't notice Secco appearing right behind her, ready to surprise attack the young girl. Bucciarati managed to block the Secco's attack with Sticky fingers, However Secco's speed surpassed Sticky fingers, making Secco have the upper hand.

"OASIS!" Secco cried out, about to do the final blow to Bucciarati, Sticky fingers zipped off the ground y/n and Bucciarati, having the two fall to lower ground. The mold started to affect them, y/n having it the worst. y/n started to scream, attempting to get up so the mold growing on her can slow down, but Bucciarati pushed her back down. "Stay down! I'm not risking any of your body parts to get ripped off!" Bucciarati ordered to his daughter, not worrying that the mold was growing around around him in a rapid fire pace.

Bucciarati than saw one of his fingers come off from the mold, blood seeping through the missing finger. "We need to get to higher ground, papa!" y/n pointed out, noticed Bucciarati's missing finger. "Baby...I'm afraid we can't do that." Bucciarati said back, "The mold already got around our bodies, the best thing we can do is embrace the end of our lives...". Tears started to form in y/n'a eyes as Bucciarati muttered "I'm sorry....I'm sorry for being such a terrible father."

Secco was filming everything that was happening below, a cruel smile on his face. "Cioccolata is going to enjoy this film." Secco thought to himself. The mold was slowly about to eat away at y/n and Bucciarati, who can only embrace their fates....well only Bucciarati did. "NO." y/n said under her breath, slowly getting up. "y/n, what are you-" Bucciarati had stopped his question as y/n grabbed his hand, slowly dragging herself and Bucciarati back to higher ground.

"IS THE BRAT REALLY TRYING TO MOVE IN THAT STATE!" Secco shouted out loud, as he watched in shock over the sight before him. "This isn't where we die..." y/n panted out, the mold starting to eat at her.

The mold finally started to wear off once y/n and Bucciarati made it to a sidewalk. "I think we lost him..." y/n softly said, falling down from exhaustion. "Y/N!" Bucciarati cried out, grabbing y/n before she hit the ground, holding onto her close. y/n weakly giggled and said to him "Don't be so loud Papa....he's going to find us.". Bucciarati realized that despite the fact he lost a finger from the mold, y/n was hit the hardest. Even if she didn't lose any parts of her body, she still would have lost so much energy, so much that she would be on the verge of death.

"Hey papa?" "Y-yes sweetheart?" "I-Is this where I'm going to die?" That question had Bucciarati taken back. He didn't want to answer that question...he prayed to god that he would have to never answer that question. Bucciarati only stayed silent, he didn't know what to say. "Papa? Are you still there?" y/n asked in a quiet voice, almost being a whisper. Bucciarati noticed that y/n's eyes were fluttering shut, she was about to leave this world.....

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