Chapter 16

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"y/n, your father can always buy you a new one." Narancia said, reading a magazine as y/n responded with "But that cross was a gift, and now I now lost it!". y/n, Bucciarati, Trish, Narancia, and Abbacchio were the the only ones in Coco jumbo, while Giorno, Fugo, and Mista were in they're new way of transportation, which was a stolen car.

y/n was still strung up over her missing cross, which was lost because in Bucciarati's words "he took her necklace off while she was sleeping and accidentally lost the cross due to misplacing it". y/n slowly swung her legs as she sat on the couch, reminiscing about her dream. "It felt so real but so fake at the same time..." thought y/n as she felt the missing cross part of her necklace. The cross was used to fix y/n's throat in her dream. So maybe when her father took off her necklace, the cross got taken off in the dream as well?

"We have a new directive from the boss!" Bucciarati said, getting everyone in Coco jumbo's room attention. Bucciarati got up from his seat, his computer in hand. "Abbacchio, I like you to take a look at something." "Alright". Abbacchio got up from the couch as he went over to see what was on Bucciarati's computer. Abbacchio started reading the order "Abbacchio is to activate Moody blues by the chair and rewind time by more than 14 hours."

"That means someone must have been residing here before we came along, at least that what this is implying." Bucciarati said as Abbacchio took out Moody blues saying "than let's see where 15 hours back takes us.". Moody blues than started to rewind, eventually transforming into a short old man on top of the chair. "Hey guys, haven't we seen this old guy before?" Narancia asked, pointing to the old man. The old man was Pericolo, the capo that Team Bucciarati encountered when they were at Capri.

"So was he the one that placed Coco jumbo in Naples stazione ferroviaria?" y/n thought to herself as Pericolo started to speak " Listen to me carefully ragazzi, I'm relaying the specifics of your final mission.". "Final mission?" Bucciarati thought as Pericolo continued, "Strict confidentiality requires me to adopt this bizarre mode of communication,
under no circumstances are you to share any of the following as you are now learning the way to deliver Trish to the boss."

"A special way-" "To deliver Trish!" Narancia said, Finishing Bucciarati's sentence. "Now lets get to it, when you arrive at Venezia." Pericolo began to instruct, taking a picture out from his suit, "you are to proceed to this sculpture, inside you will find and obtain the OA disk. It will contain information about the handover.". Pericolo than took out a lighter, and started to burn the picture. "What the hell is he doing!" "Abbacchio, pause the playback." Abbacchio did as he was told, with Bucciarati taking a closer look at the picture in Pericolo's hand.

The picture was of Santa Lucia station, the gateway to the city of waters itself. The playback resumed, and as the picture burned, Pericolo said " And that's it, your job is to obtain the OA disk. By now the enemy is already aware of my influence, so the way you deliver Trish is absolutely critical. Digression is our most powerful ally, not a shred of evidence should be left behind..." Pericolo started to reach into his suit again, this time pulling out a revolver.

"Wait..." y/n whispered as she watched as Pericolo put the revolver pint blank to his head. "I lived a full life thanks to the boss's inuberable blessings, it was complete with adventures that others could only dream of." The playback of Pericolo than finished off with "My mission is now safe ragazzi, let my prayers reach your ears.". As Pericolo pulled the trigger, Bucciarati immediately covered y/n's eyes with his free hand, not wanting her to witness Pericolo's death.

As Pericolo shot himself, He reverted back to being Moody blues, leaving Coco jumbo. "Hey! What happened to him?" y/n cried out as she heard the gunshot, Bucciarati's hand still covering her face. "Mister Pericolo..." Bucciarati mumbled under his breath, turning away from where the playback once stood.

"Did he shoot himself?" y/n asked her father, his eyes widening over the question. Bucciarati has just sent Giorno and Mista to retrieve the OA disk, while the rest of the group stayed in Coco jumbo with Narancia keeping watch. Bucciarati knew that y/n was a smart girl....but not this smart.

"Well, baby..." "Why did he shoot himself!" y/n interrupted , not letting Bucciarati finish his sentence. "Why did he have to die?" y/n questioned. She was the most angriest that Bucciarati had ever seen. Bucciarati got up from where he was sitting and kneeled down to his daughter, saying to her "He was trying to protect us...and the only way to do that was by death-" "OVER A GAME OF TAG!?" y/n shouted, which got her a smack on the wrist by her dad.

"What did I tell you about raising your voice at me?!" Bucciarati asked, as y/n started to rub her smacked wrist, looking down to her feet. Bucciarati sighed and said to y/n "I understand that your confused, but your not the only one. Me, Your zios, and even Trish are still reeling over what just happened. So please understand...". y/n nodded and started to rub her eyes. She was getting tired.

"It's pretty late, do you want to go to sleep?" Bucciarati asked as y/n nodded, Bucciarati picking her up bridal style and sitting back down on his chair. "We don't have anything worth reading other than magazines, so do you want me to sing you to sleep?" Bucciarati asked as y/n nodded, covering her mouth with her hand as she yawned. Bucciarati took in a deep breath and began to sing y/n's lullaby.

🎵let me take you down🎵
🎵'cause I'm going to strawberry fields🎵
🎵Nothing is real🎵
🎵And nothing to get hung about🎵
🎵Strawberry fields forever🎵
🎵Living is easy with eyes closed🎵
🎵Misunderstanding all you see🎵
🎵it's getting hard to be someone🎵
🎵but it all works out🎵
🎵it's doesn't matter much to me🎵

Bucciarati finished and looked down to see that y/n had now fallen asleep, snoring quite a bit. Bucciarati smiled and placed her on the couch. He knew he couldn't keep the mafia life a secret from her for long, but at this age she wouldn't be able to understand. So for now, Bucciarati would just have to play along of being someone that  he's not to his daughter. For her and her only....

Author's note: You guys seriously don't know what I have in store for you next chapter, so you better be prepared for what's going to happen.....
Ragazzi means boys in English

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