Side Story: First word

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"C'mon y/n, you need to eat." Fugo said as he put the spoon closer to the 1 year old's mouth. she only moved her head farther away from it, making a "Humph" sound while doing so. Fugo's patience was being tested but he tried to calm down as he didn't want to get angry at a small child being well...a child.

Fugo wished Bucciarati got back from shopping right about now, as y/n would probably eat the food in her bowl if Bucciarati was the one doing it. But he wasn't, so it was  up to Fugo to fight the rather useless battle of having y/n eat her veggie macaroni and cheese.

y/n soon started to reach out for something behind Fugo. As Fugo turned around he noticed that y/n was reaching for her box of small cookies that was on the counter. "Oh, you want to eat that?" Fugo asked as he grabbed the cookie box and showed it y/n, as she started reaching out for it.

"Well, you have to take just a few bites of your lunch if you want some of this." Fugo said as he grab the spoon again and put it close to y/n's mouth, but as you would expect she still refused it. Fugo then got ticked off and yelled "Y/N PLEASE, THIS IS'NT EASY FOR ME EITHER! JUST TAKE ONE BITE!" 

Poor y/n was so shocked over the sudden loudness that came from her Zio Fugo that she started crying. As y/n's tears started to fall, Fugo realized what he done and took y/n out from her high chair and began to softly pat her back, trying to calm her down.

"y/n I'm so sorry! please stop crying!" Fugo said but it only made y/n cry louder. The door to the house soon opened and there was Bucciarati carrying two bags of groceries. But when he saw the sight of Fugo holding a sobbing y/n, he immediately dropped the bags and took her away from him. "Bucciarati, I'm so so sorry" "Don't apologize Fugo, I got this" Bucciarati then began to softly cradle y/n whispering to her "shh,'s alright, papa's here." y/n finally calmed down as Bucciarati put y/n back on her high chair. "Now why was my picolo angelo crying about?"  Bucciarati asked  as Fugo started to twiddle his thumbs, "I got angry because she wasn't eating her food" Fugo said softly. 

Bucciarati only shook his head and took the spoon Fugo had and put it to y/n's face "Just take one bite y/n, for papa." Bucciararti said in hopes of getting y/n to eat. However y/n only said "Yucky!" and slapped the spoon away, causing the macaroni and cheese to stain the sleeve of Bucciarati's zipper themed suit. But Bucciarati didn't mind that, the most important thing on the man's mind was the word that came out of her mouth. "Did she just?" "I think she did..." both Bucciarati and and Fugo looked wide eyed at y/n as she soon said "Yucky!" again slapping her bowl away this time. y/n never said a word up until now...

"MY NEONATA SPOKE!" Bucciarati said as he grabbed y/n from the highchair and hugged her tightly, peppering all the kisses he could give her. Bucciarati soon enough called the rest of the members of his team to come over to his house and hear y/n's first words. Bucciarati never felt this proud in his entire life.

While Bucciarati was a little disappointed that y/n's first word wasn't papa, he was still happy that she was able to say something. But y/n's second word was an entirely different story, and lets just say Mista wasn't allowed on babysitting duty anymore

Author's note. Decided to skip chapter 4 for obvious reasons and sorry that this wasn't a official chapter to the story. But don't worry! I already have chapter 5 ready, I just want to see if these side stories could work out, Probably be intermissions . So thank you for understanding and see you all soon. Also Picolo angelo means little angel in english(^0^)

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