Chapter 28

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"Doppio!" y/n cried out as she watched the teen boy try to squirm out of Secco's grasp. "So you know him, that just makes this even more perfect!" Secco said , his grip on Doppio getting even more tighter. "I'm going to liquify this poor boy, while you watch in a absolute terror, knowing that you couldn't do anything to save him!" Secco shouted at the young girl, Doppio's cheek starting to melt.

y/n knew she had to do something, but what can she do? y/n than saw a garbage truck that still had it's back loader open about to pass them on the street. y/n finally got her idea. "H-Hey, want a sugar cube?" y/n asked to Secco, Using Don't Stop Believin to form a illusion of one. Secco at first froze when her saw the sugar cube, but later said "Just one sugar cube isn't going to trick me....".

"Oh, one sugar cube? I actually have five sugar cubes!" y/n said back, forming four more sugar cube illusions. When Secco saw the five sugar cubes in y/n's hand, he immediately started drooling and dropped Doppio. "S-Sugar cubes! I want Sugar cubes!" Secco exclaimed. The garbage truck then came into view and y/n took the chance. "You want them? FETCH!" y/n ordered to the mutt, throwing the Sugar cubes towards the back loader of the garbage truck. "SUGARCUBES!" Secco exclaimed again, running towards the garbage truck on four legs.

But just when he reached the garbage truck, the back loader closed right on his back, crushing his spine and instantly killing him. Doppio scooted back after he saw the lifeless handing legs of Secco and turned back to see y/n. y/n only sighed and went over to Doppio. "Are you alright?" y/n asked as Doppio nodded. "But I have a better question for you, why are you in Rome?" Doppio asked to y/n, as she helped him put the objects that fell out of his bag back in. "The colosseum..." "Huh?" "I need to get to the colosseum.". After y/n helped Doppio with his things, she started to go over to the colosseum. "Papa is probably over there and is waiting for me." y/n thought but stopped when she felt a hand grab her arm.

y/n turned around and saw that Doppio was the one who grabbed her. " You're really trying to go there by yourself ? How about I escort you? I mean, you just saved my life back there." Doppio offered. At first, y/n was hesitant. Doppio was obviously working for the boss, but yet he seemed to oblivious to the events that were currently happening. "Alright, But once we reach the front of the colosseum, that's where your escorting duties end!" y/n said, Doppio nodding in confirmation.

Doppio followed y/n to the colosseum, truly knowing the true context of what was happening. Doppio was told by the boss that the little girl in front of him was Bucciarati's daughter and despite the fact she was far from a member of Passione, was order to be executed along with her father and his team of traitors. But Doppio....Doppio didn't want that. y/n was so young and treated him so nicely, and was his first actual real friend. Doppio decided to do just as y/n told him, leave her at the colosseum. The boss surely will not approve of this.....

y/n and Doppio were about to turn right on a corner, until Doppio saw Mista looking for something. Doppio grabbed y/n and hid behind a stele. "Wait, what's going on?" y/n asked, Doppio responding with "Um...t-the people who are after you are here!". y/n, to Doppio's relief, believed it. In reality, Bucciarati found himself regrouped with Giorno and Mista, and order them to look for y/n, not going to their destination if they couldn't find her. Trish left Coco jumbo and told the three that Her father was nearby, getting the same feeling she had back in Sardinia.

Doppio than received a call from his boss, who told him that y/no was aware of his true occupation but told him to play along that he didn't and go to the colosseum with her, saying that he needed to find out what Bucciarati and his team were looking for in the colosseum. "Doppio? Are you okay?" y/n asked, snapping Doppio back to reality. "Yeah, let's hurry to the colosseum."

y/n finally found herself in the colosseum, but yet couldn't find her father or any member of the team anywhere. Doppio was silently watching her from the shadows, waiting to see what or who she was waiting for. "Child! What are you doing in here!" A voice said to y/n, causing the girl to look up and see who was talking her. He seemed to be hidden in one of the pillars, concealing himself in the shadows.

"Are you the voice that told us about the arrow? If you are I'm here with my family to find out about the secret of it!" y/n said back. "The arrow?" Doppio or more accurately the boss thought. That when it came to him, this was the man that tried to look for him, because he sold the arrows to to the old lady with two right hands. He was sure that he killed him.....

"'re one of the people that is trying to take down Diavolo...but you're so young..." the voice said in shock. "I'm waiting for the rest of my family to get here, so please wait for them!" y/n said, but the two heard steps coming from inside the colosseum. "I-is someone with you?" The voice asked, y/n replying with "No...but there was a person who escorted me here-" y/n suddenly found the person concealed in the shadows gone. "D-did I miss something?" y/n asked, knowing she wouldn't get an answer .

Diavolo finally finished off Polnareff, skewering him with King crimson. But during his fight with Polnareff, the French man used the arrow on his stand, Sliver chariot. Diavolo brushed it off, now that he had the arrow right in his hand. Just than, the don heard footsteps coming from the stairs.

"What's going on here?!" y/n cried out, only to stop dead in her tracks when she saw Diavolo. Her eyes had fear in them, as she noticed the Diavolo was staring right at her. "D-Doppio?" She asked, noticing that Diavolo was wearing the same pants as the teen boy. "So you're the brat of that traitor." Diavolo said to her, slowly walking over to the (h/c) haired girl. "Never understood the importance of family...they serve as irritations." Diavolo said again, stopping in his tracks when he was just a meter away from her. "Doppio developed quite a fondness towards you...pity that I now have to kill you, now that you saw what I truly looked like."

Diavolo than took out King crimson and was about to strike at y/n, the little girl only standing in fear at what was about to happen. Just than, the two heard footsteps. Diavolo recalled King crimson and turned to face where the footsteps were coming from. He saw a figure entirely covered in black. "HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN STANDING THERE?!" Diavolo shouted to the figure, but it only had it's back turned to him, not saying a word.

"I'M ASKING YOU A QUESTION!" Diavolo shouted again, but no answer. Diavolo soon found himself sleepy, and after a few minutes, fell asleep. "I-I need to get out of here!" y/n thought as she tried to run away from the figure, only to find herself getting tired.

"Stay awake, stay awake, Stay awak-" y/n passed out before she was able to finish her thoughts. The figure walking away from the knocked out mafia boss and small girl.

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