Side Story: Fishing trip

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"y/n~!" Bucciarati called out to his daughter sweetly, hiding something behind his back. y/n, who was playing with her toy abacus, heard Bucciarati's voice and went over to where he was. "What is it Papa?" y/n asked as Bucciarati chuckled and said "Since you have been such a good girl these past few weeks, I decided to surprise you by traveling somewhere."

"Where are we traveling?" y/n asked, eyes sparkling over where they were possibly going. Disneyland? Six flags? y/n was guessing these in her thoughts, as Bucciarati showed the young girl what was behind his back. It was a fishing Pole...

"We're going to my old childhood town! We will be staying there for about a week.". Bucciarati exclaimed as y/n stared at him with a blank face.

"W-what?" "I realized that I haven't been back to the old stomping grounds in a while and you barely know what I did back when I was your age, so I thought it would be nice to bring you along as well." y/n was too shocked that she didn't notice the fishing pole was now in her hand.

"This used to be my pole back when I was a child, and now it's yours." Bucciarati said as y/n looked down to what was in her hand. "We'll be leaving tomorrow, Make sure you pack up everything you need." Bucciarati than left to go into to his room to pack, leaving y/n, who was still trying to process everything.

It has been 2 days since y/n and Bucciarati had their little vacation in the suburb of Naples. y/n was having a hard time adjusting to the costal town, as she was more of a city girl. Meanwhile Bucciarati was already felt with nostalgia over returning to his childhood home.

But it was not all sunshine and lollipops for Bucciarati. He still remembered the horrid day of when his father was shot by the drug dealers, and how he killed for the very first time. So when the day came when Bucciarati took y/n fishing, he had the jitters.

"Papa, you alright?" y/n asked to her father, tugging onto his suit. Bucciarati looked down at the (h/c) haired girl and said "I'm alright, now what area do you want to fish at first?". Bucciarati was obviously trying to hide his fear from y/n, as y/n came to know him as "The bravest person she ever knew", and he didn't want to sully y/n's perception of him.

When the boat that y/n and Bucciarati rented went off into sea, they started to fish. Bucciarati wasn't expect them to catch anything, he just wanted to spend some quality time with y/n over a hobby that he did as a kid.

"Did you get anything?" "No, did you?" "No..." for a few hours that was the only thing y/n and Bucciarati said, silence being the only other sound coming from the two of them. Bucciarati decided to break it, saying "You know, me and your grandfather used to do this whenever we had free time.". "My grandfather?" y/n asked, turning to face Bucciarati, her head tilting in curiosity.

Bucciarati realized that he never told y/n about his mom and dad...looks like it's the right time. "Your grandfather was a fisherman, he taught me to make a net and how to gut fish, he even gave me the fishing pole in your very hands." Bucciarati pointed to his former fishing pole. "When can I meet him?" y/n asked, which made Bucciarati freeze.

Bucciarati looked down, a shadow covering his face. "I'm afraid not..." "why?" "Because he's in a better place now." When y/n heard that, she was taken back. "Oh" she said softly, looking back to the ocean. "But he would have loved you." Bucciarati said again, "I bet that if he was here, he would have given you all the hugs and kisses in the world."

y/n smiled at her dad, then felt her fishing pole slip through her fingers. "NO!" y/n shouted as she tried to grab the pole, but it fell right into the ocean. "nonononono, oh I'm so sorry papa!" Y/n said as Bucciarati reeled in his pole. "Don't worry about it y/n, I can buy you a new one. "But your father gave you that fishing pole, and I lost it!" y/n cried out as she tried to wipe away her tears.

Bucciarati hugged y/n and muttered reassurances to her, stroking her (h/l) hair. "Don't apologize, I going to let the captain of this boat steer us back to land, okay?". y/n nodded and the boat returned back to land.

y/n and Bucciarati were now at a restaurant. Bucciarati tried to make y/n feel better by offering to order dessert first. y/n was only silent, still feeling bad about losing her father's fishing pole. "y/n, you know I'm not angry." Bucciarati said, looking up from his menu to y/n. y/n only sniffed as she looked down to her feet. Bucciarati sighed and said again "he's not angry at you either."

Bucciarati was referring to his father. His father never got angry at any of the things he did, Bucciarati knew that from experience. He still remembers about the day he told his father that he joined Passione. He only showed eyes of understanding to Bucciarati, not fury.

"He's not?" "I'm sure of it, now what dessert do you want?" "....Cheesecake". As the vacation continue, Bucciarati told stories about his childhood to y/n (obviously not saying a word on when his father was shot), and teached her all the things his father taught him. When the day came for them to head back home, y/n asked her father "Can we go again?!". Bucciarati noticed that y/n was practically begging, "Alright, when I have enough freetime.".

y/n, after hearing those words, jumped up in joy, exclaiming "YAY!". Who would have thought she would have so much fun here?

{ Don't you worry child } Bruno Bucciarati x child readerWhere stories live. Discover now