Chapter 9

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The yacht finally got around to the docks once Team Bucciarati was radioed by Mista that they were now safe to enter Capri. However, when y/n saw Mista again, he had a gunshot wound on his gut and was dragging an unconscious man with him.

When y/n tried to ask about this, Mista only answered with "I had to resort to roughhousing...". y/n nodded her head in belief to him, only to suddenly remember that Giorno wasn't with him. This lead to the team having to calm y/n down and reassure her that Giorno was probably fine. When Giorno came back to the Marina, y/n instantly gave him a hug, happy to know that he was safe.

The team was now gathered near one of the restrooms. Fugo was giving first aid to Mista was stapling his gunshot wound shot, and as you would have guessed it gave Mista more pain and amused Narancia. Bucciarati, Abbacchio, and Giorno were about to enter the restroom until Bucciarati notice that y/n was still standing outside. "y/n, you don't have to wait outside, you can join us." Bucciarati said, not wanting his daughter to feel left behind.

"But papa, that's the men's room!" y/n said to Bucciarati, "It'll be awkward.". Bucciarati just sighed, as the only people inside the restroom was her zios and Giorno. And besides, it wasn't like they were going in there to take a piss, they're just going to wait for a certain someone in there. But Bucciarati knew that y/n was a child, and therefore misread some situations differently compared to him and the rest of his team.

"Then how about you be our lookout," Bucciarati said kneeling to y/n's height, giving a soft pat on her head. "Watch out for anyone else that might want to know where the fortune is hidden, alright?" Bucciarati continued with y/n exclaiming "No one's going to find that money, if they do they're having to go through me!", pumping her fist out. Bucciarati chuckled and walked into the restroom, where the rest of his team was waiting.

y/n then turned to face the front of the restroom, hands on her hips. But the only people that came to the restroom were two janitors in white, one short, the other tall with a feminine physique. The feminine janitor took notice of  y/n and quickly stopped what she was doing. "Um, excuse me but are your parents with you?" The janitor asked to y/n. y/n, shocked that one of the janitors had just asked her a question, answered with "My Papa and Zios are in the men's room...why woud you ask?"

The janitor eventually said "this place is meant to be-" "Y/N! What did your dad say about talking to strangers!?" Narancia yelled out, interrupting the janitor, as he approached y/n. Both the janitor and and y/n turned to face him and as Narancia pulled y/n closer to him. The team overheard y/n and the janitor's conversation and Narancia went over to make sure that y/n was alright. "Zio Narancia, she was only asking me if anyone was with me!" y/n said to Narancia, trying to explain to him the situation. "What if she's trying to talk you out of it!" Narancia responded, referring to it as where the Polpo's fortune was hidden.

"Well, if I can't ask a minor if she's alright or not, I'm not exactly a model citizen... am i?" The janitor spoke up as Narancia looked at her. "And besides, She could be lying that she's with her "Papa and Zios", she might as well be covering up that fact that you kidnapped her." The janitor continued, walking closer to the two. That was what made Narancia snap.

Narancia eventually took out his knife and aimed it closer to the janitor's neck. "SAY THAT AGAIN, I DARE YOU!" Narancia shouted, as y/n stood frozen in fear. But just then the janitor turned the tables on Narancia and took out her knife aiming it at Narancia. "Zio Narancia!" y/n cried out, "He's really my Zio, don't hurt him!". The janitor didn't seem to hear y/n as she still held her knife close to Narancia.

Narancia whipped out his knife again, and aimed it right at the janitor's head. "WAIT!" Bucciarati yelled, him and the rest of the team leaving the restroom. Narancia dropped his knife his knife at the sound of Bucciarati's voice. "Back off now Narancia! Things aren't asit seems." Bucciarati ordered as y/n went over to him.

The small janitor finally took notice of the situation, realizing that Bucciarati and his team was here, as Bucciarati reached out to him as soon as they arrived. He was Pericolo, a capo from Passione. The team started to bow, confusing y/n over the sudden respect towards the "janitor". Pericolo took notice of y/n, and when she realized, hid behind Bucciarati.

"Don't worry y/n, he's my higher up at work." Bucciarati said, reassuring his daughter. Pericolo than asked if Bucciarati was absolutely positive that he knew where the 10 billion lire really was. Bucciarati confirmed, Revealing that money was hidden, in the restroom of all places. Or to be more specific, one of the urinals. Pericolo examines it confirming that it was real. This had now made Bucciarati a capo.

"What's a capo?" y/n asked her father, still trying to process everything that just happened. "It means I'm promoted, I'm at a higher rank at work now. Bucciarati said to the 7 year old. "REALLY! CONGRATULATIONS PAPA!" y/n exclaimed, jumping into his arms as Bucciarati hugged her, both giving laughs. But their happiness was interrupted by Pericolo who revealed that Bucciarati and the team had another mission...a mission straight from the boss.

The mission was to safeguard the boss's daughter, the boss's daughter being none other than the janitor that got into the scuffle with Narancia. "I have too...well you know..." the boss's daughter said, probably meaning that she had to change, now that she was outed. As the boss's daughter went into the girl's restroom, Bucciarati ordered Fugo, Narancia, and Mista, to watch over her. y/n asked if she could come with them, wanting to fully meet the boss's daughter for herself. Bucciarati said agreed, if only she would do it in a respectful manner.

As y/n and her zios waited for the boss's daughter to change, she heard the sink from the restroom turn on. y/n and her zios looked inside the restroom and saw that a girl that y/n thought was the prettiest person in the world. She had pink hair that was styled in a loose swirl. She wore a dark brassiere that was connected to a necklace with mathematical symbols on it. She also wore a long skirt that also had mathematical symbols on it and wore two long brown boots. It was hard to believe that this was the janitor from before.

"Hello Miss!" y/n said walking over to her. y/n then said "My name's y/n! What's yours?". The girl at first was taken back at y/n's energy but then said  "Trish...". "Well Trish, I hope we can become good friends!" y/n said again, this time holding her hand out, wanting a handshake from her. Trish gave her an albeit small one. "She's pretty cute, I got to admit that." Trish thought to herself as she walked over to Fugo, "But isn't she a little to young to be in the mafia?". 

"Um.." "do you need something?" "Well uh, are you the group that will escorting me from her on out?" Trish asked as Fugo nodded and answered "yes, that is correct, Trish. the six-seven of us are here for you. will protect you will our lives". "I see, then do me a favor," Trish said "could you please take off your jacket for a minute?". Fugo looked in shock at Trish and asked "you want me take off my jacket, but what for?"

"Don't worry just take it off, trust me I have no interest in seeing you devoid of clothing." Trish answered. "You made that perfectly clear..." as y/n, Narancia, and Mista watched in confusion as Fugo took off his jacket, but stared in surprise over what Trish did next. She was washing her hands on Fugo's jacket.

"I'm out of handkerchiefs, so go buy me one. While your at it, get some nylons and Givenchy blush number 2." Trish ordered as she walked away from the four. "Oh, and those nylons better be the ones with the garter at the thigh." Trish ordered again as she turned around to face them . "And grab a copy of Vogue Italia, Mineral water would be nice to. But it better be from France, I rather keel over backwards than drink that other stuff." Trish than began to walk away from them again saying "Once your done ogling the scenery, get started on that list."

"She seems nice!" y/n said, a grin on her face. "I hope that's sarcasm, y/n..." Narancia said to the innocently oblivious girl, as Fugo angrily threw his jacket on the ground.

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