Chapter 23

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Doppio wasn't an ordinary teen, he was the underboss of Passione, as well as the split personality of the boss. Doppio was being targeted by Risotto, the leader of the rouge hit man squad. Risotto was also the sole survivor of his team...

Shortly after y/n left him to hide somewhere, ho gotten a call from the boss, saying that he will be bestowing some of King crimson's power onto Doppio. Epitaph had the ability to forecast into the future, helping Doppio to predict Risotto's attack.

The boss said that Doppio must be within two meters of Risotto, so that he could deliver the killing blow with King crimson. But that proved to be a challenge as Risotto's stand, Metallica, had the ability to use the iron in people's bodies to turn them into razor blades.

While Doppio and Risotto had their fight, y/n was hiding behind a rock, praying for her new friend's safety. "I left the egg sandwiches..." y/n thought as she got up but quickly sat back down again thinking "But what if that scary man is still there! I can't risk going back!".

y/n tried to calm herself down by singing her lullaby, stuttering out the lyrics. "L-let m-me t-take you down....c-cause I-I'm g-going to s-s-strawberry fields..." y/n sung out. It wasn't the same as Bucciarati singing it to her, as it showed that someone tried to comfort her in such a distressing situation. one was there to comfort her.

y/n than heard a plane's propeller and looked up, seeing Aerosmith. "They're looking for me!" y/n thought as she got up and tried to follow the stand. y/n was correct, ever since Bucciarati saw that she wasn't in Coco jumbo, he halted all their plans of finding the boss, the team's new focus now being to find y/n. But they only ended up being entangled in Doppio and Risotto's fight.

Risotto currently had the upper hand, using Metallica to slowly kill Doppio. Risotto came to the conclusion that Doppio was the boss's split personality and wanted to see what the boss really looked like. But before he was able to do the killing blow, he was shot by a barrage of bullets from Aerosmith.

Right before Risotto managed to corner Doppio, Doppio used some scalpels created by Metallica to grab the attention of Bucciarati and his crew. Bucciarati thought that y/n was getting attacked by the enemy and ordered Narancia to instantly shoot them. Narancia complied and shot Risotto. Risotto was the only one on Aerosmith's radar as thanks to taking out most of Doppio's/the boss's iron out from his body, oxygen was entering his lungs. This made him be in invisible to Aerosmith.

Rissoto tried to take the boss with him, but the boss used King crimson before Aerosmith's bullets can touch him. The bullets that were meant for the boss, instead hit Risotto, instantly killing him. Thinking that y/n was now safe, Bucciarati told Narancia to follow him to get y/n, while Abbacchio used Moody blues to replay 15 years ago, to find out who photographed Trish's mother in the very place they were standing.

But when Bucciarati and Narancia went to where they thought y/n was, they only saw the corpse of Risotto. The boss managed to escape away from the area. Meanwhile, y/n lost track of where she was going when she noticed that Aerosmith was now gone for her sight. "Dang it! I'm lost!" y/n yelled out, kicking a rock in anger. She soon started to stomp to the front of the beach, hoping to find someone to ask for directions at.

y/n stopped in her place when she saw Abbacchio. Abbacchio has Moody blues out and was waiting for it to be finished with it's replay. "Finally, I found them!" y/n thought, hope sparking inside her. As y/n went down to the beach, Abbacchio was helping a group of tourists kids get their ball from a branch to high for them. When the kids got their ball, they thanked Abbacchio and continued to play their game.  But something was amiss, as Bucciarati and Narancia found one of the kids bleeding and mouth stitched up behind one of the rocks.

It turned out, the boss used the kid to replenish his iron and took his place with the other kids, blending in as Doppio. "Zio Abbacchio!" y/n called out, waving her hands to get his attention. Abbacchio saw her and ran towards hey saying "y/n! Your father and Zio Narancia were just looking for you!". The boss finally got close to Abbacchio. His goal was to strike Abbacchio's heart using King crimson, but since Abbacchio was going another direction, could only strike his abdomen.

Abbacchio felt a hand go straight through his abdomen, and than felt it ripping right out. As Abbacchio felt his now missing and bleeding abdomen, he heard y/n scream out his name. "OH MY GOD, ZIO ABBACCHIO!" screamed y/n at the top of her lungs, rushing towards him. Abbacchio found himself sitting on a rock, whispering to y/n "y/n...I'm fine...don't make such a big deal over it.". y/n only sobbed out "B-But your hurt...A-are you going to die?!". As y/n cried, tears falling down onto the sandy beach, Abbacchio only thought "'re such a brat...but you're my brat.". Abbacchio than passed out, a crying y/n attempting to wake him up again.

Bucciarati and the others heard y/n's cries and went over to were she and Abbacchio where at. Bucciarati grabbed y/n close to him, telling her that everything was going to be alright and that Abbacchio was just sleeping. y/n didn't hear it, her sobs muting everyone around her. Giorno said that Abbacchio was still alive but unconscious, and used one of his ladybug buttons to make the missing part of his abdomen.

y/n tried to reach out for her passed out zio, begging for him to not leave her. She was held back by her father, who was feeling everything she was going through, but was bottling it up. Abbacchio was put into Coco jumbo, Giorno saying that he would wake up in a few hours. y/n stopped her crying and noticed that there was a stone that Abbacchio dropped when he was put inside Coco jumbo.

When y/n pointed this out, Giorno used Gold experience to transform it into a ladybug and ordered it go back to where it originally came from. It went back to a stele and it formed a negative of a face and fingerprints. But they weren't a face and fingerprints of anyone...they were the face and fingerprints of the boss.

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