Chapter 8

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"How does it look back there? Give it to me straight, Fugo." Narancia asked while Fugo checked his head to see if there was a bruise on it. "To be blunt, he did a number on you." Fugo answered, "This is a real goose egg."

As Fugo felt around the bump, Narancia winced at the pain, saying "That hurts Dammit! I told you to take a look not make it more excruciating!". Soon, Narancia started to kick the body of the enemy stand user that attacked them earlier, with Fugo and Abbacchio soon joining in. The zipped off head of the man could only watch in horror, his screams muffled as his mouth was zipped as well.

As y/n watched her zios kick the body, she noticed something fall of his body. y/n bended down to pick it up and saw that it was his wallet. "y/n, can I see what you have in your hand?" Giorno asked as y/n nodded, handing the wallet to Giorno. Giorno opened the wallet and took out his ID.

The man's name was Mario Zucchero and the ID said that he was from Rome. "What's a Roman thug doing out here?" Giorno thought to himself. "Hey,y/n!" Mista called out to his niece, as she went over to where he was. Mista was squatting next to the decapitated head of Zucchero, who had what seemed to be seaweed or a piece of plastic on the side of his face.

"Can you check for me to see if the thing on his cheek is seaweed or trash? Because this meanie wouldn't give me a answer." Mista asked pointing to the green sliver. y/n picked up the sliver and gave it a good look. "it's seaweed, Zio Mista." y/n said, as she went to the rails of the yacht and dropped the seaweed back into the ocean.

"Thank god..." Mista said as he got up, "If that was trash, it would mean that these beautiful waters was polluted.". y/n later walked back to the front aft as she looked on.the yacht was closing in on Capri. This would be y/n's first time outside of Naples.

"Mio Fiore, your looking pretty okay?" Bucciarati asked to y/n, putting his binoculars down.
"Oh, I'm alright! Just feeling a little homesick." y/n said waving her hand, not wanting to worry her dad. "Well we won't be here for long, and Before you know it we'll be right back home." Bucciarati said. He knew what y/n was feeling, being far away from the place you call home, entering a place you knew next to nothing about. Bucciarati knew that feeling all to well.

"Bucciarati!" Giorno said that made said man to turn his attention to him. "We should map out our route to the island, don't you think?" Giorno asked as Bucciarati turned back to y/n, saying to her "How about you go hang out with your zio's while me and Prince Giorno discuss things?" Bucciarati said as y/n nodded and skipped to where Mista, Narancia, and Fugo are. He had to get y/n out of the conversation, or else she would've of ask about the fortune and Bucciarati's life as a mafioso that he kept a secret for so long would be revealed to her.

"What're you guys doing?" y/n asked to Narancia. "I'm trying to find out if Dullahan over there is going to heaven, hell, or purgatory." Narancia answered, pointing to Zucchero, whose head was now dangling from the top railing, a Fishing line holding him up.

"Oh, can I do it?!" y/n asked, raising her hand as if she was asking a teacher a question for the lesson they were teaching. Narancia nodded as y/n eventually started the judgement, while Mista put glasses on Zucchero."Zio Narancia! He got purgatory!" y/n exclaimed as Narancia started to laugh, pointing to Zucchero. "You lucked out my man, if it's purgatory then so be it!" Narancia said out loud as he turned on his boom box.

(You already know what happens after this, the only difference is that y/n joins them in the dance)

After the four finished their torture dance,Abbacchio called them over. Moody blue Shapshifted into Zucchero, as Abbacchio was ordered by Bucciarati to find out if Zucchero was working with someone to find Polpo's hidden treasure. "y/n! Keep the prince occupied!" Abbacchio said to y/n which in reality was targeted to Giorno, which translated to "Giorno! You haven't earned my trust yet! So turn around and make sure y/n doesn't hear what where about to say!"

y/n nodded in answer to Abbacchio, grabbing Giorno's arm and pulling him a bit away from where her father and zios where. While y/n and Giorno had their small conversation, The rest of the crew found out that Zucchero already told his partner about their destination, and that the partner was probably already at Capri. Giorno overheard the entire thing, and said to the team that he would go and scout ahead so that he can take out the partner of Zucchero (his excuse for y/n is that he has super magical powers that only members of his family can use.)

Mista offered to go with Giorno, believing that Giorno's plan might work. Shortly after Mista volunteered, y/n tugged Giorno's shirt which grabbed his attention. However, when Giorno looked down at y/n, she said something that not only shocked Giorno, but Bucciarati and the rest of her zios.

"I'm coming to!" y/n said, which made Giorno widen his eyes. "y/n, you got to be joking..." Mista said as y/n stared at him, her face showing no emotion. She was really serious...

"Y/N! Did you forget how old you are?! You can't do the things that Zio Mista and Giorno could do!" Bucciarati yelled at y/n, his voice quivering a bit. Bucciarati did know y/n had a stand, he didn't forget about that, but she had no experience with stands or fighting in general and the fact she was offering to go find someone with an unknown stand ability gave Bucciarati the thought of y/n losing her life. Something that scared Bucciarati more than anything in the world.

"But he wants to know where the treasure is! I don't know why they want it, but I'm not going to sit idly by if they're going to harm you just to find some loot." y/n responded to Bucciarati, a new found determination inside her.

"y/n...Your father's right." Giorno said putting his hand on y/n's shoulder. "But-" "Your just a kid, This person could be hostile. I can't risk getting you hurt."  Giorno continued, interrupting y/n's protest while doing so.

y/n looked down to her feet, shame coming over her. "Know that we're doing this to protect you, so please don't take this the wrong way." Mista said walking over to the (h/c) haired girl.

y/n nodded, understanding the situation at hand. Before Giorno and Mista left the boat, y/n gave them both hugs, hoping for their safety for when they come back. As the two then left, Bucciarati hugged y/n from behind, whispering to her "They'll be back, I promise..."

Author's note: Apologies for being such a short chapter, but I felt that considering how long the last one was, I should probably pump out something more shorter. Also thank you so much for all the votes and comments <3! I did not expect this story to be gaining so much traction and it's mind blowing to me. So thank you all for supporting the book, and I'll se you all in the next chapter ^-^

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