Chapter 3

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Has it really been 7 years? 7 years since he took in that wonderful smile... 7 years since that laugh was able to grace his ears, Bucciarati was thinking this as he watched his adopted daughter y/n, drawing a picture with her crayola crayons she got for her 5th birthday. y/n was covering the drawing with her arm as the drawing in her words "was super secret and couldn't be seen by anyone yet"

Bucciarati, in a few minutes had to go to a meeting with Polpo, as he was going to be given a mission straight from the boss. Bucciarati knew he shouldn't procrastinate but his little angel always wanted to have playtime with him and Bucciarati always delivered, so he couldn't just ruin his perfect track record of playing "Superheros vs Aliens" or being her model for her "new fashion idea".

Even though most parents would have been annoyed by how their child would always vy for attention, Bucciarati only looked forward to it. Bucciarati was grateful that god gave him y/n, he was grateful that fate was able to bring him to y/n, as she was his everything, his baby girl brought him happiness that he never felt before in years.

But y/n wan't a baby anymore, as she was now a kid. Her tuff of (h/c) hair was now (h/l). though she did still have her innocent (e/c) eyes that always sparkled when she was happy. It still felt like yesterday when he found y/n and took her in.

While life was fairly normal for y/n, Bucciarati had to do everything in his power to keep y/n safe, to not let her get involved in anything related to Passione. Bucciarati kept his life as a mafioso a secret to her, his cover up being that he works for a very large company. y/n of course believed it, sometimes asking to come along with him on one of his assignments, with Bucciarati giving her the obvious answer of no.

y/n also couldn't go to school, since she bears the last name of Bucciarati, a rival mafioso might take her away, and use her as leverage against him. So Bucciarati had her Zio Fugo teach y/n alongside her Zio Narancia. y/n turned out to be the better of the two to almost almost no one's surprise, and this lead to her being on her Zio Fugo's good side (he never had to use his forks on her) Sometimes Narancia would go to y/n and ask her for help with the math questions he had. y/n also couldn't explore the city of Naples, being confined to her hometown. Bucciarati didn't want y/n to go and find out the dark truth of such a beautiful city.

the main thing that scares Bucciarati the most however, was y/n's stand. The thought of y/n even having a stand scared Bucciarati, as y/n now had a more higher risk of being involved in Passione. Bucciarati realized y/n had a stand the day after her 6th birthday. Bucciarati wanted to make sure if his suspicion's were correct as when y/n was having her party, Bucciarati kept seeing a mysterious cat in his home. He remembers asking Abbacchio to take the cat outside, pointing directly at where the cat was. Abbacchio only asked "what cat?". The entire day had Bucciarati only looking at the cat while everyone else seemed to not even give a glance, not even his team. as if he was the only one that could see it.

When tomorrow came, Bucciarati called Mista and told him to head over to his house as he wanted to experiment with Sex bullets. When Mista got there, Bucciarati got y/n out from her room and into the living room. "y/n, Zio Mista is going to take something out from his revolver's cylinder and tell us if you see them okay?" Bucciarati told y/n as she nodded. Soon Sex bullets started to come out of the revolver . "WOW, THAT'S Y/N UP CLOSE!" "SHES TOTALLY NOT A BABY ANYMORE!" the bullets shouted as they saw y/n. y/n only stared at them starstruck and soon grabbed number 7. "Hi!" the just turned six year old said to the small stand as Bucciarati and Mista only watched the whole thing in shock.

Bucciarati didn't want this. Bucciarati now knew that the mysterious cat at the party yesterday was caused by y/n, without her realizing it. y/n was a stand user... "Papa, are these the things that you wanted me to see?" y/n asked her father as number 3 chimed in "WE ARE NOT THINGS!". "Now number 3, don't yell at y/n like that, this is her first time meeting you." Mista said to the sex bullet. Bucciarati didn't say a single thing, still shocked over the reveal that y/n had a stand.

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