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Sophie shifted uncomfortably in her stiff chair, working out a kink in her neck and cracking her back. She made a mental note never to fall asleep in that armchair again. Glancing over at Keefe for what felt like the millionth time this past week, she sighed, smushing down the hope that he might have just been awake that time. It was a pointless hope, she knew that, but she missed his cocky smirk. His playful eyes. His immature humour. And, oh how she missed his presence. When she was with him, she knew he would always listen- and she had A LOT to get off her chest. Keefe! She transmitted desperately. It never worked, but it was helpful to yell at him to mash down the tight bundle of emotions that had been coiled painfully in her stomach for what had felt like forever now. Keefe, you ignorant, stupid, frustrating, idiot!.... UGH! Why couldn't you just listen to the people around you who want to keep you safe?! We need you to wake up! wakeupwakeupwakeupwakeup! I NEED YOU! I need to yell at you for real! I need you to listen to all my childish problems! I need you to help come up with a genius plan to defeat the Neverseen! I just need you! come on!

Sophie didn't know how long she spent rambling on and on shouting at Keefe, but when she woke her head pounded and the sun had gone down. Her stomach growled, her breath smelt like gullon and she desperately needed a shower. For once, she didn't need one of her friends to tell her that. "Sophie, how long have you been here?!" Sophie jumped and her heart gave a little leap. She whipped her head up to see if Keefe had spoken. But his eyes were still close and his hair was still plastered uncharacteristically to his forehead.

"Sophie, hun?" The voice came from behind her and she turned around, her shoulders dropping when she saw it was only Edaline and Grady.

"Oh. Hi guys." She mumbled.

Grady snorted. "wow, take it down a notch, you can't have us thinking you're excited to see us!"

Sophie reddened a little. "Sorry... I'm just..."

"Worried," Edaline said finishing her sentence in a gentle voice. "We know, Soph. But you've been sitting in that chair beside his cot for ages! Why don't you come home and wash up and get some clothes and then, I promise you can come back and sit beside your friend until he wakes up?"

Sophie was getting a serious case of déja-vu. How many times had one of the adults come pleading to their kids to come home after one of their friends was hurt by the Neverseen?! She looked back and Keefe for a long moment, then slowly shook her head. "I can't. I'm sorry, but I can't leave him. I know Keefe would do the same and he needs me here. I don't care if it means I have to sleep in three-day-old clothes on this uncomfortable chair or suffer from rotting teeth."

Grady scowled. "I don't know what's so appealing about That Boy. And he wouldn't stay by your side, Sophie. He left you to join the enemy!"

"Dad, he had good intentions," Sophie sighed. She knew Grady was just trying to protect her but she was exhausted.

Edaline elbowed Grady. "Your father meant that we'll go home and bring your clothes if that's what you want."

Sophie smiled gratefully. She looked back one more time at Keefe and her heart fluttered at the sight of... the colour in his cheeks. Yes, he was regaining colour. That was good. She scooted her chair closer when Grady and Edaline left- to be there in case something happened, of course. That was all.

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