The fancy dress

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"Sophie!" Edaline said, shaking Sophie awake. "It's time to wake up, let's go, it's your first day of schoooool today!"

Sophie wiped her eyes groggily and looked at her mom, who was smiling down at her with a proud grin. Her forehead crinkled in confusion. "What?! But school doesn't start for another week and we haven't even had those weird costume ceremonies yet!"

Edaline rolled her eyes with a grin and flipped back Sophie's covers, causing her to shiver with the sudden blast of cold air. "They're called the Opening ceremonies, sweetie. And the council sent out letters to every household announcing that school was to be held early and the ceremonies moved because of how much school was missed last year with the Neverseen, the gnomes, the almost war and such. So get up and seize the day!"

Sophie squinted back up at her Edaline and tried to pull the covers back up over her head. "No."

"Oh- I almost forgot. Keefe called me to tell you he would pick you up for school since you weren't answering your imparter. Said you guys had to talk but I really think he just wants to see you, the darling." Oh great. She had her sappy singsong motherly voice on. Despite that, butterflies erupted in her chest at the mention of Keefe's name, and she was reminded she had a boyfriend!

"Mom, it's true, we do need to talk. We got in a fight with Fitz." Sophie replied in a groan. But a small part of her wanted to believe that he really did just want to pick her up. Isn't that what boyfriends and girlfriends always did in movies? Go everywhere together?

"I stand by my reasoning. I can tell he has fallen head over heels for you Sophie." Edaline chirped, pulling the covers back and this time placing a fancy dress on her stomach. "Whenever he looks at you. Has hearts in his eyes for Pete's sake! Remind me of me and Grady when we were your age... Anyways, put that dress on! First days of school are the most important days."

Sophie finally stood up, her feet sinking into her plush carpet and unfolded the dress. It was knee-length and red and was loose and flowy and it reminded her of a flower that had just bloomed. It wasn't too fancy, but still classy and girly enough to fit in in the Elvin world. Her mind flashed back to the time when the Vackers and Keefe all celebrated around the Aurenflare and Biana told her red was 'her colour'. "Mom, it's perfect for me, thanks so much!"

Edaline smiled, looking relieved. "I'm so glad! It's always hard to find clothes that I'm sure you'll like."

"I'm sorry I'm not more... into clothes and stuff. I know you want a daughter to do that with..." Sophie said. She thought back to Biana and how she could wear anything and look glamorous and still strong and powerful at the same time. "But... maybe it would be nice to dress up sometimes."

"Oh, Sophie. I don't want you to change anything for anyone. But if you ever do want to wear fancier clothes or wear gobs of makeup or do anything at all, I'm here."

Sophie grinned and wrapped her arms around her mom's neck. "Love you."

"I love you too, my strong, beautiful daughter. Now put in on, I wanna see it on you!"

Happy mother's day, I just had to include a mother-daughter scene :)

* * *

Sophie sagged in her seat, trying her best not to block out the mentor rambling on about mixing ingredients. She shifted in her seat and blew a start strand of hair out of her face, trying desperately just to think about alchemy. Or at the very least, about how many compliments she had gotten on her dress this morning. But her mind was focused on other things. Things like what Keefe had just told her on their way to school that morning...

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