The Forbidden Journey

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"Sophieeeee!" a distant voice cooed, gently shaking Sophie to life.

She startled awake. "Livvy! Oh gosh, I'm sorry, I slept in,  this chair is super uncomfortable so I had a hard time falling asleep."

Livvy grinned. "No no. It's fine. I came early anyway. Why don't you get ready? I have to talk to Elwin about something."

"Okay," Sophie nodded, quickly running her fingers through her crazy hair. She quickly slipped into leggings and the most human-like tunic she could find. A glance in the reflection of one of the shiny bottles lined up on the shelf showed truly how little sleep she had gotten and Sophie was glad Vertina wasn't there to comment on the dark bags under her eyes. "Are you ready to go now?" Livvy asked, coming out of Elwin's office.

"Yeah, I think so," Sophie replied.

Livvy held up a blue leaping crystal and motioned for Sophie to stand beside her. Light poured from it and together, they stepped through.

* * *

The familiar scent of humans burned her nostrils and cars and buses whizzed by leaving puffs of smoke behind them. People wearing fall coats milled around the streets, walking dogs, jogging and strolling with their friends and family. "Where are we?" Sophie asked, not being able to place the buildings around her.

"We're in Toronto, Canada. They have some of the best hospitals on earth, so I was positive they would have good remedies."


"Oh, okay. Where's the hospital?"

Livvy pointed to a huge building in front of them and they waited to cross the bustling street. When a blue car finally stopped,  the two of them crossed and walked through the doors. Sophie inwardly cringed at the depressing energy in the hospital and flashes of the first time she went to the hospital raced through her head, reminding her how much she hated human doctors. Livvy seemed to sense her discomfort because she said, "If you want, you can wait here or outside while I run and get the medicine. It's probably best, anyways. The more discreet we can be, the better."

Sophie nodded. "Okay. I'll wait here." She took a seat on a rigid chair closest to the door and watched Livvy as she approached the secretary at the front desk.

Livvy spoke quietly to the lady, waving her arms and after a few shakes of the other woman's head, she went into the door behind the desk. The moment she was out of sight, Livvy ran around the desk and into the wide hallway that led to all the patients' doors. Sophie couldn't help but grin at Livvy's strategizing. She stared down at her hands, lost in thought. She wondered how Keefe was doing. She wondered why Fitz hadn't visited him since last week. He was his best friend, after all. A smooth voice interrupted her thoughts. "What a pleasure to see you here, Sophie. It's been a while."

She jumped and spun her head quickly to see who had spoken. Her eyes widened and dread coursed through her at the familiar face. "What are you doing here?" She said looking around the hospital, wondering how many people were going to get hurt today...

. . .

"Oh, sweetie, don't worry, I'm not here to do any harm to you or any of your little friends."

Despite her reassurance, Sophie reached down to her boot for a throwing star. "what do you want?"

"Tsk, tsk Sophie. Have you not learned yet? Your weapons are useless. Now be a good girl, hear me out, put your weapon back in your boot and Keefe won't get harmed."

Sophie froze, retracting her hand from her boot. "Keefe is in Foxfire. He's safe."

"Yes, he is in Foxfire. But he might not be as safe as you think."

"What do you mean?" Sophie asked, pulse racing.

"You really think I'll tell you everything just like that?" Lady Gisela laughed. "No. I came here simply to know how he's doing. You see, before you left the Dwarve's kingdom, I planted a certain enzyme specially crafted by Vespera and me. Now all I have to do is give a simple command and I would make sure Keefe would never wake up. So tell me... how is he?"

Sophie offered a venomous glare. "You wouldn't. Not after you worked so hard to... do all his legacy stuff."

"Oh, I would. Our plans have changed. We don't really need him anymore. Now. Tell me."

Sophie weighed her options. Telling her the truth couldn't affect Keefe too much. It would be fine. Nothing was worth losing him. "He's alive. We're not sure if he'll wake up. But I've been talking to him telepathically. He's in a coma but he's aware of his surroundings."

Lady Gisela gave a tight smile. "Thank you. Was that so hard?"

Yes. "Anything else you need?" Sophie asked, trying her best to make her voice drip with sarcasm.

"No, no. Buh bye now!" And just like that, Gisela Sencen lifted her crystal into the air and walked through, leaving a very confused Sophie behind.

What?! She actually just wanted to know about her son? Well, that and threaten him. She hadn't expected her to just leave though! Sophie stood up and paced by the doors of the hospital, not being able to sit still anymore. Thankfully, Livvy had returned with an armful of human medicine. She was sprinting at top speed towards Sophie, three doctors trailing behind her. "Go, go, go!" Livvy yelled at Sophie, with a smile of glee on her face, despite the situation.

Sophie turned and ran out of the hospital, with Livvy only trailing a few feet behind. "Throw me your crystal!"

Livvy looked at her, a little confused, but obliged and tossed her a small crystal. Pushing her clumsiness aside for a moment, Sophie darted forward and raced to catch the little leaping crystal. And held it up. Livvy ran directly into it, leaving the humans looking around confused. Sophie darted in after her and they landed safely back in the healing center, with all the remedies safe and sound. "Oh, good, you two are back!" Elwin said, racing into the room, hearing the shriek-laughs coming from Sophie and Livvy.

"Yes, we are," Livvy said breathlessly between fits of childish laughter. "Now, we just have to see if it'll work!"

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